My Federated Search Options

This page describes the Web options for the My Federated Search options group. Review these options to determine what setup your organization needs to perform.


This option defines the display properties of the federated search link on the Research Pro Home link for the Research pro passthrough tool on the patron record display. The value of this option is defined in HTML, defining either the text or an image to use as the link. If an image is defined it can be either as a relative or an absolute URL. If it is relative, it should be relative to the working directory currently defined for the WebPAC. Clicking on this link displays the page defined in the MFFAVS_HOME Web option.

For example:

ICON_MFFAVS_HOME=<img src="/screens/research_pro.gif" alt="Go to Research Pro" border="0" />


ICON_MFFAVS_HOME=<img src="/screens/mffavs_home.gif" border="0" />

If this option is not defined, the WebPAC uses the following default:

ICON_MFFAVS_HOME=Research Pro Home

This option can vary by patron type (P TYPE) and language.


This option defines the display properties of the Search link on the passthrough search tool on the patron record display. The value of this option is defined in HTML, defining either the text or an image to use as the link. If an image is defined it can be either as a relative or an absolute URL. If it is relative, it should be relative to the working directory currently defined for the WebPAC. Clicking on this link submits the passthrough search to Research Pro.

For example:

ICON_MFFAVS_SEARCH=<img src="/screens/search_research_pro.gif" alt="Search Research Pro" border="0" />


ICON_MFFAVS_SEARCH=<img src="/screens/mffavs_search.gif" border="0" />

If this option is not defined, the WebPAC uses the following default:


This option can vary by scope and language.


This option defines the display properties of the link to saved Federated Search databases on the patron record display. The value of this option is defined in HTML, defining either the text or an image to use as the link. If an image is defined it can be either as a relative or an absolute URL. If it is relative, it should be relative to the working directory currently defined for the WebPAC. Clicking on this link displays the Federated Search passthrough search tool and the list of the patron's saved databases.

For example:

ICON_PAT_MFFAVS=<img src="/screens/my_research_pro_globe.gif" alt="My Research Pro" border="0" />


ICON_PAT_MFFAVS=<img src="/screens/pat_mffavs.gif" border="0" />

If this option is not defined, the WebPAC uses the following default:


This option can vary by scope and language.


This option defines the denial message to display to users when they are not allowed to save Research Pro groups. The value of this option can include HTML.

For example:

MFFAVS_DENY=<span class="patFuncEntry">This function is not available. Please contact a librarian for further assistance.</span>

If this option is not defined, the WebPAC uses the following default:

MFFAVS_DENY=This function is not available. Please contact a librarian for further assistance.

This option can vary by patron type (P TYPE) and language.


This option defines the target URL the system uses when a user clicks the ICON_MFFAVS_HOME link.

For example:

For more information on Research Pro URL syntax, see Creating Passthrough Search Tools.

If this option is not defined, the system does not display a home link for Research Pro.

This option can vary by patron type and language.


This option defines the URL to use for performing a passthrough search from the patron record, using Research Pro. Note that changes to this option affect passthrough searchs from the patron record only. Changes to this option do not affect the passthrough searches from any other parts of your Web site.

This option accepts the following elements:


Element Description
<boolean> When this element is set to a "true" value (any word starting with 't', 'T', 'y', 'Y', or the number '1'), verified patrons are allowed to save database names and groupings for Research Pro and any text defined by the <!--{ifmffavs}--> token in the patron record display will show.
If this option is set to a "false" value (any word starting with 'f', 'F', 'n', 'N', or the number '0') or is undefined, the WebPAC does not allow patrons to save database names and groupings for Research Pro and the message defined in the MFFAVS_DENY displays to the user.
<userID> This required element defines the hidden "userID" element in the passthrough search page. This element must be a valid userID for the URL defined in the <URL> element of this option.
<userPwd> This required element defines the hidden "userPwd" element in the passthrough search page. This element must be a valid userPwd for the userID defined in the <userID> element of this option.
<URL> This required element defines the URL to use for submitting the passthrough search from the patron record. This URL must point to your organization's Research Pro server and cannot contain any URL parameters (e.g., action=). If this element is not defined, the WebPAC behaves as if the <boolean> element is set to a false value.

For example:


If this option is not defined, the WebPAC does not offer My Research Pro functionality.

This option can vary by patron type (P TYPE) and language.