Content Linking and Other Resources Options

This page describes the Web options for the Content Linking and Other Resources options group. Review these options to determine any necessary setup that your organization might need to perform.


This option contains the URL for an image server machine (including the IP address and search command for accessing images from its database) and the 'i' (ISBN) tag of a bibliographic record field that uniquely identifies the record. If the image server returns an image, it is displayed to the right of the record's bibliographic data. If no image exists for a title with an ISBN, a standard broken-image icon will display. To avoid the display of a standard broken-image icon, serve an alternative image. For example, your library can ask the image vendor to display No image available as an alternative to the broken-image icon.

ISBN and ISSN Support

The BIBIMAGE Web option supports only the use of ISBNs. ISSNs are not supported.

For example, if the displayed bibliographic record is a Stephen King novel, a JPEG or GIF image of the book's jacket cover displays next to the record.

The format for the option is:

BIBIMAGE=[URL]|[tag]|[full-sized URL]

[URL] The URL for the book jacket thumbnail image.
[tag] The bibliographic record field tag identifying the record. If your organization does not have the WebBridge product, this element only accepts the i tag as a value. If your organization has acquired the WebBridge product, you can insert any valid field tag. Some special values are:
IUse only numeric characters and 'x' and 'X' of the ISBN in the image URL (e.g., 1234567x).
iUse all of subfield a of the ISBN in the image URL. This entry is only valid for organizations that do not use the WebBridge product.
TUse the standardized title.
[full-sized URL] The target URL when users click the full-sized image. This field is optional. To disable this element, remove the field contents and the pipe ('|') character after the [tag] field.

For example:


  • The above example is shown on multiple lines for display purposes only.
  • If your library uses SSL verification then content from external servers (such as book jackets) can appear as broken images depending on local browser setup. If the content vendor accepts HTTPS connections, then change the URL in the BIBIMAGE Web option accordingly. For example, change the following:





This option controls the "alt" text for images defined in the BIBIMAGE Web option. The format is:


For example:


This option can vary by scope and language.


This option defines the graphic image to use for the Search Brittanica button. Clicking this button takes the user to the URL defined in the EBADDRESS Web option. For example:



This option defines the image to use for the Bookmark on Talis button, for example:


Clicking this button opens a new window that takes the patron to the Talis Aspire site defined in the TALIS_URL option.


This option defines the URL to pass a query to EB-Online. For example:


The format of this example URL is broken down as follows: This is the URL and port number of the EB-Online server.
/search?query=%s This is the default search to perform on the EB-Online server. The system replaces %s with the search string from the heading fields in the record that has been retrieved from the Innovative database and uses these fields as the target for the search.

The URL and query syntax shown above are for example purposes only. Please consult with Encyclopedia Britannica for the current syntax. It is known to change.

If your link to EB-Online stops working, please test the URL you have specified in this option by opening a Web browser with the URL and replacing %s with the query of your choice. If the link fails, the problem is probably with the URL or its syntax, not with your configuration of EBADDRESS or the OPAC. Contact Encyclopedia Britannica to confirm the current URL and syntax.


This option defines the graphic image to use for the Search Brittanica link. Clicking this link takes the user to the URL defined in the EBADDRESS Web option. This option accepts an HTML value to define either the text or an image to use as the link. If an image is defined, it can be either a relative or an absolute URL. For example:

ICON_BUT_ENCYCPD=<img src="/screens/encycpd.gif" alt="Search Brittanica" border="0" />


ICON_BUT_ENCYCPD=<strong>Search Brittanica</strong>

If this option is not defined, the system uses the value of the BUT_ENCYCPD option. If neither option is defined, the system uses the following default:

ICON_BUT_ENCYCPD=Search Brittanica

This option can vary by scope and language.


This option defines the display properties for the Bookmark on Talis link. Clicking this link opens a new window that takes the patron to the Talis Aspire site defined in the TALIS_URL Web option.

This option accepts an HTML value to define either the text or an image to use as the link. If you define an image, you can specify a relative or absolute URL. The following are examples:

ICON_BUT_TALIS_BOOKMARK=<img src="/screens/talis_icon.gif" alt="Send to Talis Aspire" border="0" />


ICON_BUT_TALIS_BOOKMARK=<strong>Send to Talis Aspire</strong>

If this option is not defined, the system uses the value of the BUT_TALIS_BOOKMARK option. If neither option is defined, the system uses the following default:


This option can vary by language.


This option enables integration of the WebPAC with Talis Aspire and displays the link for bookmarking a resource in Talis Aspire. In the WebPAC, the link appears in the navigation bar on the resource's full record page.

Enter the full Talis Aspire tenancy URL for your institution, for example:


For information on the link's default appearance and how to customize it, see ICON_BUT_TALIS_BOOKMARK and BUT_TALIS_BOOKMARK.


This option defines the settings used to generate context-sensitive links to content providers on the browse display and bibliographic display screens. The format of this option is:

WEBADDRESS=[browse URL]|I|[bibliographic URL]|[browse IMG]|[bibliographic IMG]|[frame URL]

[browse URL]

This is the URL for the content link that displays from the browse display screen. The URL comes from the content provider. The entry is optional. If there is no data in this field, there will be no entry for this link on the browse display screen.

To insert the current search term into the link, use %s as a placeholder in the URL. For example:

In the above example, the system replaces %s with the search term(s) used to generate the browse display.

I This is the field tag from which to draw information to pass to the URL specified in the [browse URL] and [bibliographic URL] fields. At present, the WEBADDRESS option supports ISBN searching. The only valid value for this element is I.
[bibliographic URL] This is the URL for the content link that displays from the bibliographic record display. The URL comes from the content provider. A normalized ISBN search is always performed on this URL.

To insert the ISBN from the bibliographic record into the link, use %s as a placeholder in the URL. For example:

In the above example, the system replaces %s with the ISBN from the bibliographic record.
[browse IMG] This is the setting for the link text and/or image displayed from the browse display screen. This setting can be text, HTML, or a combination. To use an image as part of the link, the source of the image must be included in an HTML img element.
[bibliographic IMG] This is the setting for the link displayed from the bibliographic record display screen. This setting can be text, HTML, or a combination. To use an image as part of the link, the source of the image must be included in an HTML img element.
[frame URL] (Deprecated in Sierra 3.3 and later). Percentage of the browser devoted to the frame displaying the content link. This value is an integer between 0 and 100. If the value of '-1' is used, this percentage is defined by the setting of the FRAMEURL Web option.

For example:

WEBADDRESS= index=books&field-keywords=%s&bq=1/|I||<img src="/screens/content-provider.gif">|REVIEW|20

URL Syntax

The URLs provided above are examples and are not intended to be links to actual content providers. Contact your content provider for the correct URL syntax to use in this option.

This option can vary by language.

See Also


This option defines the label for XML records attached to bibliographic records. This label acts as a link in the same manner as 856 fields (see the DISPLAY_856 Web option). This option accepts HTML formatting in the value. For example:

XML_LABEL=<strong>XML Data</strong>

This option can vary by language.