General and Phrase Searching Options

This page describes the Web options for the General and Phrase Searching options group. Review these options to determine any necessary setup that your organization might need to perform.


This option specifies the tag used by the library for combined Author/Title searches. By default, the tag is 'q', but if your library uses a different tag, use this option to specify it. For example:


The /search command link used to access this search must use the specified tag. Also, a Search Help file must exist for the specified index tag (for example, for this example, the Search Help file would be named srchhelp_v.html).


This option defines the graphic image to use for the Perform Another Search of the Same Type button. For example:



This option defines the graphic image to use for the Perform a New Search button. For example:



This option defines the graphic image to use for the Perform a Word Search button. For example:



Whenever the WebPAC is displaying search results, you will see an option to perform another search. Two elements are used to enter this search: one is a drop-down menu used to enable users to specify the type of search. The other is a text box used to enter the search string. This option controls the indexes offered in the search tool.

The value for the DROP_DOWN option is a list of the one-character index tags of the indexes you want to offer in this form. No punctuation or separators should appear in the value. For example:


Note that index tag 'q' (for combined Author/Title searching) cannot be used as one of the values of the DROP_DOWN option.

If your library has the KidsOnline optional feature, then the DROP_DOWN Web option for KidsOnline controls the indexes offered in the drop-down form for the "Search for" tool.


In Sierra 3.3 and later, Sierra no longer uses this web option to control the size of the upper frame. However, the [percentage] element must be set to "0" for the pages listed below to function properly.

In Sierra 4.1, this web option was removed. WebPAC ignores this option if it is set in your Sierra system.

This option controls the percentage of the screen the system devotes to the upper frame for pages retrieved from:

Frames and Viewing Patron Information

The FRAMEURL_PAT option controls frames in the View Your Patron Record screen.

The value for this option is:


Element Description
[percentage] The percentage of the screen dedicated to the upper frame. If this value is "0" then the WebPAC does not display an upper frame.
[timeout] The value to multiply against the TIMEOUT Web option. This element is optional

For example:


This sets the size of the upper frame to 15% of the total screen area.

If this option is not defined and the second element of the DISPLAY_856 is not defined, the system uses the following default:



This option allows your organization to control the number of result entries that display for phrase searches. The format is:

IBROWSE_MAX=<result entry limit>

Where <result entry limit> is the maximum number of phrase search results to display. For example:


This setting limits phrase search results to 1,200 entries.

This option cannot be set higher than 32,000. If this option is not set, is set to zero (0), or is set higher than 32,000, the number of result entries are limited to 32,000.


This option defines the display properties for the Perform Another Search of the Same Type link. This option accepts HTML as a value to define an image or text. Images can be either relative or an absolute URL. For example:

ICON_BUT_ANOTHER=<img src="/screens/another.gif" alt="Another Search" border="0" />


ICON_BUT_ANOTHER=<strong>Another Search</strong>

If this option is not defined, the system uses the value of the BUT_ANOTHER Web option. If neither Web option is defined, the system uses the following setting:

ICON_BUT_ANOTHER=Perform Another Search of the Same Type

This option can vary by scope and language.


This option defines the display properties for the Perform a New Search link. This option accepts HTML as a value to define an image or text. Images can be either relative or an absolute URL. For example:

ICON_BUT_NEWSRCH=<img src="/screens/newsrch.gif" alt="New Search" border="0" />


ICON_BUT_NEWSRCH=<strong>New Search</strong>

If this option is not defined, the system uses the value of the BUT_NEWSRCH Web option. If neither Web option is defined, the system uses the following setting:


This option can vary by scope and language.


This option defines the display properties for the Perform a Word Search link. This option accepts HTML as a value to define an image or text. Images can be either relative or an absolute URL. For example:

ICON_BUT_WORDSRCH=<img src="/screens/wordsrch.gif" alt="Word Search" border="0" />


ICON_BUT_WORDSRCH=<strong>Word Search</strong>

If this option is not defined, the system uses the value of the BUT_WORDSRCH Web option. If neither Web option is defined, the system uses the following setting:

ICON_BUT_WORDSRCH=Perform a Word Search

This option can vary by scope and language.


When a user performs a Keyword search, the WebPAC may optionally display the entered search string in a different color so that it stands out from the other text in the retrieved records. The value for this option is one of the following:

Value Description
N This setting turns off keyword highlighting in all displays other than TOC lists.
Y|ALL|<COLOR> The keyword is highlighted in every field in which it appears. The color used for highlighting is specified in the <COLOR> element. A vertical bar separates the three elements of this option.
Y|^marctag|<COLOR> The keyword is highlighted in every MARC field matching the specified MARC tag. The color used for highlighting is specified in the <COLOR> element.
If the optional ^marctag element of this option is used, you may specify an exact MARC tag (e.g., ^240), or use a period in any digit position as a "wild card" to specify a family of MARC tags.

For example:


This setting will display all three-digit MARC fields beginning with the numbers '24' and containing any number in the third digit in the color blue.


This setting will display all three-digit MARC fields beginning with the number '5' and containing any number in the second and third digits in the color red. This is the default if this Web option is not set.

By default, the WebPAC uses the following setting:


  • You can only specify one KEYWORD_COLOR Web option. You may not specify more than one color for this option, nor may you specify more than one range of MARC tags.
  • By default, TOC lists (970 fields) are highlighted by the system in blue.


If this option is set to a "true" value (any word starting with 't', 'T', 'y', 'Y', or the number 1) then any drop-down menu offered in Advanced Word Search help pages and phrase search limiting pages will display in a scrolled listbox. Using the <Ctrl> <mouse click> (<Cmd> <mouse click> on a Mac) method, users can select multiple options in the listboxes. The selected multiple options are OR'ed together when performing the search.

If this option is set to a "false" value (any word starting with 'f', 'F', 'n', 'N', or the number 0), or this option is not defined, then WebPAC does not offer this functionality.


This option specifies index tags that should not be made available for searching with the WebPAC. For example:


In this example, the patron record index tags 'n' (Patron name), 'u' (University ID), and 'b' (Patron barcode) are made unavailable to Web clients. Note that if the NOSEARCH Web option is not set, then the values 'nub' will be used as the defaults. If your library has the Linked Patrons Group feature, add the Linked Patrons Group index tag to the NOSEARCH option. The Linked Patrons Group index tag is normally 'f', but be sure to verify which tag is used at your library.


This option controls whether the Search History option is offered to the user. If this option is not set, then Search History is not offered. To offer Search History, set this option to a "true" value ('1', the characters 'T', 't', 'Y', or 'y', or any word beginning with one of these characters). Note that this option requires that the client browser support JavaScript version 1.2 or later.


This option controls the display of keyword search messages in the WebPAC. By default, WebPAC displays keyword messages. To suppress keyword search messages, set the Web option to "false" (i.e, '0', 'f', 'F', "false", or "FALSE"). For example:


If this option does not exist, or has a "true" (i.e., '1', 't', 'T', "true", or "TRUE") setting, keyword search messages display.