Linking Patron Records
If your library has acquired the Linked Patrons product, you can maintain groups of linked patron records. To manage linked patrons:
- For each login you want to use to maintain linked patron groups, enable the Linked Patrons tab in the login's Tabs options.
- Choose Circulation Desk from the Function list.
- Retrieve a patron record.
- Choose the Linked Patrons tab or choose Go | Circulation | Circulation Desk | Linked Patrons. The Linked Patrons tab displays the linked patrons group to which the patron belongs.
- From the Linked Patrons tab, you can:
- create a group of linked patrons
- add a patron to a linked patrons group
- remove a patron from a linked patrons group
- retrieve a patron record while viewing a linked patrons group
- view checked-out items for any and all linked patrons