Adding a Patron to a Linked Patrons Group

To add a patron to an existing linked patrons group:

  1. Retrieve the patron's record.
  2. Choose the Linked Patrons tab or choose Go | Circulation | Circulation Desk | Linked Patrons.The patron's linked patrons group displays.
    • If the tab is empty, the patron does not currently belong to a linked patrons group, and you can proceed to the next step.
    • If the tab is not empty, the current patron already belongs to a linked patrons group. If you want to create a new linked patrons group containing this patron, you must first remove the patron record from its current linked patrons group.
  3. To link the current patron record to another patron record, choose the Link button.
  4. Retrieve a patron record that belongs to the desired linked patrons group. The system adds the current patron to the linked patrons group and updates the Linked Patrons tab. The most recent entry to the linked patrons group displays in the last row in the table.

You can also add a patron to a linked patrons group by first retrieving the patron record of an existing member of the linked patrons group and then following the steps above to add another patron as a new group member.