Removing a Patron from a Linked Patrons Group

To remove one or more patron records from their linked patrons group:

  1. Retrieve the patron record you want to remove from the group.
  2. Choose the Linked Patrons tab or choose Go | Circulation | Circulation Desk | Linked Patrons.The patron's linked patrons group displays. If a list of patrons does not appear in the Linked Patrons tab, the patron does not belong to a linked patrons group.
  3. In the table of patrons in the Linked Patrons tab, select the patron(s) you want to remove.
  4. Choose the Unlink button.
  • If you have selected the currently retrieved patron record, the system prompts:
Remove link from current patron?

Choose OK to remove the patron from the linked patrons group. Choose Cancel to return to the Linked Patrons tab without making any changes.

  • If you have selected all or all but one of the group members, the system prompts:
All patrons in this linked group will be unlinked and the group will be deleted from the system. Continue?

Choose OK to delete the linked patrons group. Choose Cancel to return to the Linked Patrons tab without making any changes.