Command Links

Command links are reserved words that, when the link containing them is selected, cause the WebPAC to perform a specific action, such as searching on a specific index or changing the scope of the search. In OPAC Menus, the most commonly used command link is the search link.

/     (Return to Main Menu)

When the WebPAC receives the '/' character with no command following it, it does the following:

/search/[character][*[lang]~S[scope]]     (Search the Catalog)

Your library should include a /search command link on your WebPAC menu pages for each index that your library offers in the catalog.

The command link syntax is:


Where [character] is the one-character tag associated with the index the system searches. Some sample indexes are:

  a   Author
  t   Title
  q   Default tag for combined Author/Title. See also the AUTHOR_TITLE_TAG option
  q?    Calendar Browse in Events Databases (the Location code must be in the 'l' field)
  d   Subject
  X   Advanced Boolean Search
  Y   Simple Boolean Search
  w   Keyword. Additional keyword indexes (other than w) that the library might have set up on their Innovative server are specified using a capital letter (for example, "/search/U"). For Events databases, the letter 'K' is used to specify the Date index (for example, "/search/K").
  c   Call Number
  g   Government Document Number
  i   ISSN
  o   OCLC Number
  p   Course Reserves (Professor/TA Index)
  r   Course Reserves (Course Name Index)
  ,   (Comma) III Record Number. Note that the Search Help page for this index must be named srchhelp_,.html.

For example, from the following URL:

<a href=/search/a>Author</a>

The WebPAC returns the srchhelp_a.html Search Help page.

After the user enters search data in the form and clicks the Search button, the WebPAC returns search results in a browse (see Overview of Searching the WebPAC for further details).

You can create separate search links for each combination of language and scope by using the following naming convention:


*[lang] The language code (spi for Spanish, frc for French, etc.). The language code must follow an asterisk (*) in the URL. The system returns search help pages for the appropriate language.
~S[scope] The number of the scope (~S1, ~S2, ~S3, etc.). The scope number must follow ~S in the URL. The system returns search help pages for the appropriate scope. The system retains the scope until the scope is explicity changed.

For example:

/search*spi/t This command requests a title index search in Spanish. The system returns the srchhelp_t_spi.html file.
/search~S1/a This command requests an author index search in scope 1. The system returns the srchhelp_a_s1.html file.
/search*frc~S3/a This command requests an author index search in scope 3 in French. The system returns the srchhelp_a_frc_s3.html file.

/acquire     (Books the Library Should Acquire Function)

When a user selects this link, the WebPAC returns the acquire_web.html form that allows patrons to submit recommendations for items that the library should acquire. For example:

<a href=/acquire>Book recommendations</a>

You can create separate /acquire links for each combination of language by using the following naming convention:


*[lang] The language code (spi for Spanish, frc for French, etc.). The language code must follow an asterisk (*) in the URL. The system returns the acquire_web.html form for the appropriate language.

For example:

<a href=/acquire*frc>Autres documents que la bibliotheque devrait acquerir</a>

This command requests an acquire_web.html form in French. The system returns the aquire_web_frc.html file.

/iii/airwkst     (Access Wireless Workstation)

If your organization has acquired the Wireless Workstation product, this command link passes queries on to Wireless Workstation.

/clearhist     (Clear the Search History List)

This command link clears the Search History list. See Using Search History in the WebPAC for a description of this feature.

/donate     (Donate)

Organizations that have purchased the Ecommerce product can use this command link to give users access to the Donation form (donateform.html) when making donations.

This command link must point to a fully-qualified and secure (https) WebPAC URL (for example, https://[domain name]/donate).

If this link points to a non-encrypted WebPAC (for example, http://[domain name]/donate) or if an IP address is specified (for example, http://123.456.78.9/donate), the WebPAC returns an error page instead of the Ecommerce donations form.

To vary this link by scope, p type, and language, see Setting Up Ecommerce with Hosted Checkout Pages.


/feeds     (feeds.html)

This command link gives access to the feeds.html file, if the file exists. For more information on Feeds, see Using Feeds.

The /http/live/feeds Directory

The /feeds command link does not access files in the /http/live/feeds directory. The /http/live/feeds directory is used to store cached incoming feeds. You should not add non-XML files to the /http/live/feeds directory under any circumstances.

/ftlist     (Featured Lists Function)

This command link gives access to the Featured Lists function, which allows a library to offer lists of featured titles to users. An example is:

<A HREF=/ftlist>Featured Lists</A>


This command link accesses the help.html file.

/illx     (Interlibrary Loan Function)

This is a family of command links, each offering the ability to request a specific type of material via interlibrary loan. The syntax is:


Where [x] is the tag for the type of material. The WebPAC returns the appropriate Interlibrary Loan Request Form based on the index tag.

You can create separate /ill links for each combination of language by using the following naming convention:


*[lang] The language code (spi for Spanish, frc for French, etc.). The language code must follow an asterisk (*) in the URL. The system returns Interlibrary Loan Request form for the appropriate language.

For example:

<a href=/illb*frc>Livre</a>

This command requests an illb.html form in French. The system returns the illb_frc.html file.

See also Using Interlibrary Loan Request Forms for further details.

/indexsortx     (Sort Browse Results)

If your library has set the SORT_BROWSE Web option, this link sorts the browse results. The command is in the form indexsortx, where 'x' is the single character sort-type from the SORT_BROWSE Web option.


This command link accesses the libinfo.html file.

/logout     (Log Out)

When a user selects this link, the user is logged out of My Account and redirected to the URL specified in the PSTARTOVER Web option.

/mfgo     (Return to Research Pro or New Search Page)

If your organization has acquired the Research Pro product, this link directs the user to the default page specified in your Research Pro Returning to Subset functionality.

/nonret[~Sscope][*lang]     (ArticleReach)

If your INN-Reach System has acquired the ArticleReach product, this command prompts the requesting patron to authenticate her identity by displaying the Web Access Management Patron Verification Form (pverify2_web.html), followed by the Request Verification Form (pverify3_web.html). If patron authentication is successful, the command displays the ArticleReach Request Form (request_nonret.html).

You can specify multiple /nonret command links by using the following modifiers:

Modifier Description
~S<scope> This modifier specifies the scope to use in ArticleReach requesting, where scope is the scope number. For example:

This URL specifies the ArticleReach Request Form for scope number 1. If an ArticleReach Request Form for scope 1 exists (for example, request_nonret_s1.html), WebPAC displays that form to the user. If an ArticleReach Request Form for scope 1 does not exist, WebPAC displays the default form (request_nonret.html).
*<lang> This modifier specifies the language to use in ArticleReach requesting, where lang is the three-character language code provided by Innovative. For example:*spi/

This URL specifies the ArticleReach form in Spanish. If a Spanish ArticleReach Request Form exists (for example, request_nonret_spi.html), WebPAC displays that form to the user. If a Spanish ArticleReach Request Form does not exist, WebPAC displays the default form (request_nonret.html).

You can also list both modifiers in a command link. For example:*spi

This URL specifies the ArticleReach Request Form for Spanish and scope number 2. If an ArticleReach Request Form for Spanish and scope 2 exists (for example, request_nonret_s2_spi.html), WebPAC displays that form to the user. If a form matching the two criteria does not exist, WebPAC displays the language match (for example, request_nonret_spi.html). If no forms match, WebPAC displays the default form (request_nonret.html).

/patroninfo[~Sscope][*lang]     (View your Circulation Record Function)

The /patroninfo command link allows users to access the View Your Patron Record function in the WebPAC. The link syntax is:


For example:

<a href=/patroninfo>View your circulation record</a>

From this link, the system returns the View Your Own Record patron verification form for patron verification.

Multiple-Server Systems

If your organization implements a multiple-server system using WebPAC on a public access machine and verification against the staff access machine, you must fully-qualify the /patroninfo link. For example:

<a href="">View your circulation record</a>

You can create separate /patroninfo links for each combination of scope and language by using the following naming convention:

Modifier Description
~S[scope] The scope (1, 12, 255, etc.). The scope must follow a tilde and S (~S) in the URL. The system returns the appropriate display for the scope and the View Your Own Record Patron Verification form for the appropriate scope (if present).
*[lang] The language code (spi for Spanish, frc for French, etc.). The language code must follow an asterisk (*) in the URL. The system returns View Your Own Record Patron Verification form for the appropriate language.

For example:

<a href=/patroninfo~S2*spi>Registro personal de prestamos</a>

This command requests an pverify_web.html form for scope 2 in Spanish. The system returns the pverify_web_spi_s2.html form.

/privacy     (privacy.html)

This command link accesses the privacy.html file.

/programs     (program.html)

This command link gives access to the Programs Search page (programs.html), if the file exists. For more information see Program Registration in the WebPAC.

/record     (Search for a Specific Record)

This command link allows users to search for specific records by record number.

Record Type Entered WebPAC Returns
Bibliographic record Bibliographic record
Checkin record Attached hardlinked bibliographic record (if present)
Item record Attached hardlinked bibliographic record (if present)
Order record Attached hardlinked bibliographic record (if present)
Program record Program record
Resource record Resource record

To search by record type, enter the record type prefix character, then the record number without the trailing check digit. For example:

<A HREF=/record=b1002010>Professor Moore's Latest Book</A>

See also the /xrecord command link.


This command link accesses the rpro.html file.


This command link accesses the resources.html file.

/selfreg[~Sscope][*lang][/[template]     (Patron Self-Registration)

Organizations that have purchased the Patron Self-Registration product can use this command link to display the appropriate Patron Self-Registration Entry Form for patron self-registration.

You can specify multiple /selfreg command links by using following modifiers:

Modifier Description
~S<scope> This specifies the scope to use in Patron Self-Registration, where scope is the scope number. For example:

This URL specifies the Patron Self-Registration Entry form for scope number 1. If a Patron Self-Registration Entry Form for scope 1 exists (for example, selfreg_s1.html), WebPAC displays that form to the user. If a Patron Self-Registration Entry Form for scope 1 does not exist, WebPAC displays the default form (selfreg.html).

*<lang> This modifier specifies the language to use in Patron Self-Registration, where lang is the three-character language code provided by Innovative. For example:*spi/

This URL specifies the Patron Self-Registration Entry form in Spanish. If a Spanish Patron Self-Registration Entry Form exists (for example, selfreg_spi.html), WebPAC displays that form to the user. If a Spanish Patron Self-Registration Entry Form does not exist, WebPAC displays the default form (selfreg.html).

<template> This specifies the template to use in Patron Self-Registration. For example:

This specifies the patron template for Patron Self-Registration. If a Patron Self-Registration Entry Form for the "patronalt" template exists (for example, selfreg_patronalt.html), WebPAC displays that form to the user. If Patron Self-Registration Entry Form for that template does not exist, WebPAC uses the default template for patron records and displays the default form (selfreg.html).

You can also list multiple modifiers in a command link. For example:*spi/patronspl

This URL specifies the Patron Self-Registration Entry form for Spanish and scope number 2 and uses patron template "patronspl". If a Patron Self-Registration Entry Form for Spanish, scope 2, and the "patronspl" template exists (for example, selfreg_patronspl_s2_spi.html), WebPAC displays that form to the user.

If a form matching all three criteria does not exist, the WebPAC uses the next best match (for example, selfreg_s2_spi.html if a form using the "patronspl" template does not exist). If no forms match, the WebPAC uses the default form (selfreg.html).

/suggest     (Patron Suggestions Function)

This command link accesses the Patron Suggestions function. When a user clicks this link, the WebPAC returns the Suggestions form for patrons to submit suggestions. For example:

<A HREF=/suggest>Suggestions for the library</A>

You can create separate /suggest links for each combination of language by using the following naming convention:


*[lang] The language code (spi for Spanish, frc for French, etc.). The language code must follow an asterisk (*) in the URL. The system returns suggest_web.html form for the appropriate language.

For example:

<a href=/suggest*frc>Suggestions</a>

This command requests a suggest_web.html form in French. The system returns the suggest_web_frc.html form.

/wm/<token>/<request>     (Forward request to another WebPAC via Web Access Management)

When a user selects this link, the WebPAC will forward the <request> to the remote server indicated by the <token>, based on a lookup in the forward table (see Web Access Management above). If necessary, patron verification will be performed before allowing access. An example is:

<A HREF=/wm/sbank/searchbank/mylib_main>Go to InfoTrac's SearchBank</A>

When a page from the SearchBank server is received by the client browser, the URL for the page, and any link to a page on the SearchBank server, begins; the actual address of the SearchBank server is not displayed. If the client chooses to follow a link to another page on the SearchBank server, the Innovative WebPAC forwards this request to the server.

Innovative also offers a forwarding method that does not require use of the /wm command link. See Web Access Management for details.

/xrecord=<rectype><rec#>     (Export Record in XML Format)

This command is used to search for a specific database record and return its data in XML format. The record is specified by record type and number, without the trailing check digit. The WebPAC can access record types defined by the XRECTYPE Web option. For example:


Supported Record Types

For a list of record types supported by the /xrecord command link, see the XRECTYPE Web option.

See also the /record command link.

/z39     (Z39.50 Server Function == all supported servers)

This command link initiates a search of remote databases accessed via Z39.50 (see Z39.50 Database Options for more information on the WebPAC and Z39.50). When a user selects this link, the WebPAC will send a form to the browser, from which the patron selects the Z39.50 server and database to search. An example is:

<A HREF=/z39>Other databases via Z39.50</A>

Note that the WebPAC requires all Z39.50 connections be made from a Web page named z39menu.html, so that when the user chooses to return to the library catalog, the destination page is always the same.

/z39/SERVER/DB     (Z39.50 Server Function == specific Server and Database)

This is a command link that initiates a search of a specific server and database accessed via Z39.50. When a user selects this link, the WebPAC opens a Z39.50 connection to the server specified with SERVER and the database specified with DB. For example, to link to the Ten Year Catalog on the Melvyl Z39.50 server, the HTML tag would look like the following:

<A HREF=/z39/Melvyl/TEN>Melvyl's Ten Year Catalog via Z39.50</A>

The library may want to provide a link on the Main Menu or OPAC Menu page to a separate Web page containing links to a selected number of Z39.50 servers. For example, the OPAC Menu page might contain a link like the following:

<A HREF=http:/screens/z39menu.html>Other databases via Z39.50</A>

The z39menu.html file would contain a set of links to specific Z39.50 servers.

The SERVER and DB elements must exactly match entries in the library's Z39.50 Server file as follows:


Code for Server


Server's Name for Database

See the Z39.50 Server file section for details on the Z39.50 Server file and the Code and Server's Database Name.

/z39m     (Z39.50 "Broadcast" Function)

If the library has acquired the Z39.50 "Broadcast" feature, this command link offers access to this feature in the WebPAC. When a user selects this link, the WebPAC will send a table to the browser which includes a list of all Z39.50 servers in the library's Z39.50 Server file. The user may select up to sixteen servers from the presented list for searching. Each search that the user enters is broadcast to all selected servers and the results are presented in a combined form.

The library controls the text presented to the user with the Z39BROADCAST Web option and the maximum number of records that a user may retrieve in any single search by means of the Z39MULTI Web option.


Z39.50 searches are based on the browse level. Searches done on the index browse screen pass the search string. Searches done from the bibliographic record browse use the contents of indexed field used to access the record.

For example, a user searches for "Harry Potter", then chooses to do a Z39.50 search. From the index browse, the Z39.50 search will use the title "Harry Potter" to conduct the search. If the user instead views the record for "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" and then runs a Z39.50 search, the search will use the title of "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" to conduct the search of databases.