Programs Search Page

Command link:     /programs
HTML document:  programs.html

This form controls the appearance of the programs search page. The valid tokens for this custom form are:

Token Description
<!--{toplogo}--> The system replaces this token with the value of the TOPLOGO Web option.
<!--{progsearchbody}--> The system replaces this token with the <body> HTML tag.
<!--{progsearchformbegin}--> The system replaces this token with the <form> HTML tag and attached JavaScript to use with the <!--{progsearch}--> token. If you are using the <!--{progsearch}--> token, you must replace the <form> HTML tag with this token.
<!--{progsearch}--> The system replaces this token with an input field, or selection list of input fields, based on the setting for the PROG_AVS_TAGS Web option.
  • If the PROG_AVS_TAGS Web option is defined with multiple index tag values, the system replaces the <!--{progsearch}--> token with a selection list of indexes to search.
  • If the PROG_AVS_TAGS Web option is defined with a single index tag value, the system replaces the <!--{progsearch}--> token with an input box for the search term.

This token requires the <!--{progsearchbody}-->, <!--{progsearchformbegin}-->, and <!--{progsearchformend}--> tokens.
<!--{sessiondatestart}--> The system replaces this token with a session start date search limit option.
<!--{sessiondateend}--> The system replaces this token with a session end date search limit option.
<!--{gtype}--> The system replaces this token with a drop-down list of program search limit types.
<!--{clearform}--> The system replaces this token with the value of the ICON_CLEAR_FORM Web option. This token must be placed between the <!--{progsearchformbegin}--> and <!--{progsearchformend}--> tokens.
<!--{currentscope}--> The system replaces this token with the name of the current scope the user is searching.
<!--{logout}--> Libraries using the My Account feature can place this token on any WebPAC page to display a LOGOUT button after a patron logs onto the system. After selecting this button, the patron returns to the Patron Information page for the original log on. If the TOPLOGO_LOGGEDIN Web option is set to a false value, the system ignores this token.
<!--{msg}--> The system replaces this token with any system messages.
<!--{nosort}--> This token enforces browse list sorting in the order specified by the first option that your library has set in Advanced Searching: Ranking Options option. The user has no opportunity to change the order.
<!--{obranch}--> The system replaces this token with a drop-down list of program locations for limiting search parameters. For this token to work properly, you must enter location codes in the Location Mapping Table. See Adding Location Codes for more information.
<!--{patron}--> If your library uses My Account, the system replaces this token with a You are logged in as:[patron name] message if the patron is logged in.
<!--{resetscope}--> The system replaces this token with a drop-down list of scopes defined in your Scope Menu.
<!--{resetscope:[#]}--> The system replaces this token with a link to the scope number defined in your Scope Menu. The scope to search is indicated by [#] in the token description (for example, <!--{resetscope:3}--> to search scope 3 as defined in your Scope Menu). The appearance of this link is controlled by the ICON_RESETSCOPE Web option.
<!--{return}--> Places a Return Home link on pages retrieved when searching the central machine's database in an INN-Reach consortium or when searching a remote, partnered machine's database. After selecting this link, the user returns to his or her home Innovative server.

Setting the BUT_RETHOME Web option displays a graphic image button, specified by the option, for this link. Otherwise, the link appears as the text Return Home. If the TOPLOGO_LOGGEDIN Web option is set to a false value, the system ignores this token.
<!--{RSS:[settings]}--> This token is replaced by an RSS feed where [settings] is specified using the following colon-delimited, elements:

Token ElementDescription
[URL]The URL of the RSS feed.
[MAX_ITEMS]The maximum number of items to display from the RSS feed.
[DISPLAY_DESCRIPTIONS]This element controls the display of the RSS feed item description. If this element is set to 1 or t, the WebPAC displays the RSS feed item description.
[DISPLAY_DATES]This element controls the display of the RSS feed item date. If this element is set to 1 or t, the WebPAC displays the RSS feed item date.
[DISPLAY_IMAGE/TITLE]This element controls the display of the image and title for the RSS feed. This element accepts the following settings:
  • 0— Show neither the title nor the image.
  • 1— Show only the title.
  • 2— Show only the image.
  • 3— Show both the title and the image.

For example:
Images for Items

The <!--{RSS:[settings]}--> token does not control display of titles and images for individual items. Use the feed configuration file to control that display.

<!--{scope}--> The system replaces this token with a drop-down list of scopes defined in your Scope Menu. This token must be placed between the <!--{progsearchformbegin}--> and <!--{progsearchformend}--> tokens.
<!--{sort}--> This token places a drop-down menu on the page allowing the user to select a sorting option, such as by Date, Alphabetically, or by Relevance, for the retrieved records. See Advanced Search for details on the sort options available with this feature. This token must be placed between the <!--{progsearchformbegin}--> and <!--{progsearchformend}--> tokens.
<!--{spellcheck}--> If your library has acquired Spell Check, this token inserts the Spell Check Tool on the page. Note that the spellcheck token creates a form and thus is not allowed between HTML form tags. Using the Spell Check Tool, the user can choose corrected search terms. For more information, see Using Spell Check.
<!--{srchhist}--> This token places a Search History drop-down menu on the page, from which the user can select a previously entered search to repeat. The space for this menu is empty on the first search page that the user calls up. See Repeating Previous Searches (Search History) for more information on this feature.

This token must be placed between the <!--{progsearchformbegin}--> and <!--{progsearchformend}--> tokens.
<!--{ifprogreg}--> If your library has acquired the Program Registration product, the system interprets the tokens between this token and its closing <!--{xif}--> token.
<!--{progregcal}--> The system replaces this token with the value of the ICON_PROGRAM_CAL Web option.
<!--{xif}--> Closes the <!--{ifprogreg}--> logic.
<!--{submit}--> This token is replaced by the value of the ICON_SUBMIT Web option. This token must be placed between the <!--{progsearchformbegin}--> and <!--{progsearchformend}--> tokens.
<!--{progsearchformend}--> This token inserts the </form> HTML tag to use with the <!--{progsearch}--> token. If you are using the <!--{progsearch}--> token, you must replace the </form> HTML tag with this token.
<!--{botlogo}--> The system replaces this token with the value of the BOTLOGO Web option.

You can create separate custom forms for each combination of language, scope, and patron type by using the following naming convention:


LANG The language code (spi for Spanish, frc for French, etc.).
s# The number of the scope (s1, s2, s3, etc.).
p# The patron type or PTYPE (p0 or p243, etc.).

For a current example of this form, see the appropriate example set in WebPAC Example Sets and Photoshop Files on CSDirect.