Maintain Scope Menu

To access the Maintain Scope MENU, you must be assigned permission 13 (Maintain scopemenu/Scope authorities). See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

The scope menu is the list of scopes that has been defined on the Innovative system. It is offered in WebPAC when the user selects the option to change the scope of a search.

A scope menu specifies:

Scope rules are set up by Innovative staff in consultation with each library. Using the Maintain Scope MENU option, your library can edit the wording of menu lines and scope names, and can view the scope rules associated with a scope. In Sierra 6.2 and later, library staff can add or remove locations from scope rules using the Scoping Rules function. To modify scope rules based on BCODE values or to change the scope rules that apply to a particular scope, you must contact Innovative.

If scopes have already been defined on your system, the system displays these scopes when you choose the Maintain Scope MENU option in Admin Corner. For example:

                           MAINTAINING THE SCOPE MENU                           
#   MENU LINE                           MENU ORDER         SCOPE NAME

1 > Main Library                            20             Main
2 > North Library                           30             North
3 > South Library                           50             South
4 > East Library                            10             East
5 > West Library                            70             West
6 > Spanish Language Materials              60             Spanish
7 > Search all libraries                    40             All locati
8 > School District                         80             School

 Key a number or
 M > Change MENU Line                 R > REORDER Alphabetically 
 N > Change Scope NAME                P > PRINT
 O > Change scope ORDER               Q > QUIT
 Choose one (1-8,M,N,O,R,P,Q)

Note that the number to the left of each entry and the "greater than" sign, '>', are used to choose a particular scope menu entry for editing; they are not included in the actual menu line for the scope as it appears in the public display.

Line Numbers

This number is also used to identify scopes in WebPAC.

"Entire Collection" Entry
  • An "Entire Collection" entry in the scope menu represents all the records in your system's database. It does not represent a scope (a subset of records). Therefore, there is no scope rule for the "Entire Collection" entry.
  • You cannot choose the "Entire Collection" entry by its line number in the Maintain Scope MENU display. To change its menu line or scope name, choose M > Change MENU Line or N > Change Scope NAME and enter its line number.
  • Your system's URLs can use the position number for an "Entire Collection" entry, but an "Entire Collection" search is actually an "unscoped" search of your catalog.

Key a number

To view the scope rules associated with a particular scope, enter its number within the initial scope menu display. For example, if you enter '1' from the initial scope menu display above, the system displays the scope rules associated with the "View Main Library Collection" scope:

                           MAINTAINING THE SCOPE MENU                           
MENU LINE: Main Library

  1 > Children's
X 2 > ILL

F > FORWARD                              N > Change Scope NAME 
D > DISPLAY scope                        P > PRINT
M > Change MENU Line                     R > RETURN to previous menu
Choose one (F,D,M,N,P,R)

The numbered list consists of all of the scope rules that have been defined on your system. An X appears to the left of a scope rule if that rule is associated with the scope. In the example above, the "Main Library" scope includes the "ILL" scope rule.

D > DISPLAY scope

To see which locations are included in a scope rule, select this option, and specify the line number of the scope rule in which you are interested. For example, if you select D > DISPLAY scope, and then press '2', the system displays the locations in the "ILL" scope rule:

                    MAINTAINING THE SCOPE MENU


This group contains the following 2 locations:

    1 > ill  : ILL Department
    2 > lcirc: LRC Circulating

F > FORWARD                       R > RETURN to previous menu
Choose one (F,B,P,R)

M > Change MENU Line

Use this option to edit the menu line for a scope. the system prompts:

Menu Line? old data<=new data, or <RETURN> to delete string

You can replace the existing menu line by entering new data and pressing Enter. You can also edit the menu line by entering the data to be replaced, followed by '<=', followed by the new data, and then pressing Enter. You cannot, however, press Enter to delete the menu line; the system requires that every scope have a non-empty menu line.

N > Change Scope NAME

Use this option to change the name of a scope. When you select this option, the system prompts:

Change scope name for which menu line? (1-3) _

Select the menu line for the scope you want to change. The system prompts:

Scope Name? old data<=new data, or <RETURN> to delete string

You can replace the existing scope name by entering new data and pressing Enter. You can also edit the scope name by entering the data to be replaced, followed by '<=', followed by the new data, and then pressing Enter. To delete the scope name, press Enter; the scope name appears as "NONE".

O > Change scope ORDER

Use this option to change the order in which a scope appears in the drop-down list in WebPAC, with the lowest number displaying first and the highest number displaying last. When you select this option, the system prompts:

Change which menu line? (1-8) _

Enter the number of the scope whose order you want to change.

After making your selection the system prompts:

What order do you want to change to (0-80) __

Enter the scope menu line order number to change the entry to. If two lines have the same order number, then the entries appear in alphabetical order.

Line Numbering

Initially, scope menu lines are added in increments of 10 to allow for greater flexibility in inserting new scopes.

An entry of '0' omits the scope from the drop-down list in the WebPAC display.

R > REORDER Alphabetically

Use this option to reorganize the screen display of the scope entries in alphabetical order.

M > Change MENU Line

This option is identical to the M > Change MENU Line option, which is offered when editing a scope. When you select this option from the initial display of scopes, the system asks for the line number of the scope to change, e.g.:

Change which menu line? (1-3) _