Advanced Searching: Ranking Options

This option controls the sorting options available on an Advanced Word Search WebPAC Search Help page. It also controls the Search the Database option in applications, such as Circulation.

When this option is selected, the system prompts as follows:

Type any combination of the below "Search and Sort" options.
First code entered is the default option.
    A = Alphabetical
    D = Date
    R = Relevance
    Current Fields: DAR:DA    New "Search and Sort" options: _______

The three sorting options are:

Alphabetical -- The browse lists are sorted alphabetically by the Title Sort Key

Date -- The browse lists are sorted in reverse order by publication date

Relevance -- The browse lists are sorted in decreasing relevance to the user's entered search expression

In Sierra, WebPAC uses RightResult for ranking options. A special value, DAR:DA enables that ranking.

Case Sensitivity

This option is case-sensitive and must be set in ALL CAPS (e.g. RAD, not rad)