Using My Account

My Account allows your library to set up your WebPAC to allow users to log into the system to gain access to special functionality. Once a user has logged in to My Account, the WebPAC can then present customized screens based on patron type. Users can have access to different menu screens, search help screens, and form input screens that display according to their patron type. In addition, you can specify that logged in patrons need not further validate for WebPAC functions that normally require patron validation.

WebPAC products and features that use My Account include:

Library staff can use My Account to access staff-only features in the WebPAC, such as the full display of database record information. See My Account for Staff.

You can optionally set your system to log a patron into a My Account session upon successful validation against WebPAC functions such as requesting or booking. You can expand this function to initiate a My Account session upon successful validation against Web Access Management or Research Pro. The WebPAC offers users different patron verification forms depending on the setting of the MY_WEBPAC Web option.

Value for Second Element of MY_WEBPAC Patron Verification Form
0 The system offers the appropriate patron verification form (for example, pverify_bookings.html for bookings).
1 The system offers the appropriate patron verification form (for example, pverify_bookings.html for bookings).
2 The system offers the pverify_web.html file for patron verification unless the user is accessing Web Access Management or Research Pro. If the user accesses Web Access Management, the system returns the pverify2_web.html file for patron verification. If the user access Research Pro, the system returns the MFPverify.html for patron verification.
3 If the user has not logged in to My Account, the system offers the pverify_web.html file for patron verification.
Web Options

The MY_WEBPAC Web option controls which WebPAC functions start a My Account session. To control whether users are prompted to validate against subsequent functions, such as Web Access Management, set the NO_REVERIFY Web option.

See also:
My Account Options
Patron Record Options