View Your Own Record Patron Verification Form

Command link:     /patroninfo
HTML document:  pverify_web.html

<!--{toplogo}--> The system replaces this token with the <HTML> and <BODY> tags that begin an HTML page and displays the HTML defined in the TOPLOGO Web option. This must be the first line in the pverify_web.html file.
<!--{patform}--> The system replaces this token with the default prompts and text for patron verification. To edit this display, replace this token with the tokens listed for advanced customization.
<!--{startover}--> The system replaces this token with the Start Over button that goes to the URL in the PSTARTOVER Web option
<!--{botlogo}--> The system replaces this token with the HTML defined in the BOTLOGO Web option. Does not insert the </BODY> and </HTML> tags that finish an HTML page.

For INN-Reach systems, you can offer site-specific external patron verification prompts by using the following tokens:

<!--{ifextpat}--> If the Has LDAP OPAC option has an entry for the port serving this file, the system interprets tokens and markup between this token and its closing <!--{xif}--> token.
<!--{ldapform}--> The system replaces this token with the value of the appropriate INN-Reach Central LDAP Authentication form.
<!--{xif}--> Closes the block.

For advanced customization of the form, you can replace the <!--{patform}--> token with the following:

<!--{formbegin}--> The system replaces this token with the correctly formatted opening <form> tag. This token is required if the <!--{patform}--> token is not used.
<!--{iferrmsg}--> If this token is present, the system checks to see if the form has been submitted properly. If so, the system interprets tokens and markup between this token and its closing <!--{xif}--> token.
<!--{iferrmsgisPIN}--> If this token is present, the system checks to see if the patron record needs a PIN. If so, the system interprets tokens and markup between this token and its closing <!--{xif}--> token.
<!--{newpinmsg}--> The system replaces this token with the following text message: "Please enter a new PIN".
<!--{else}--> If this token is present and the error message is not related to requiring a new PIN, the system interpets the tokens between this token and the closing <!--{xif}--> token for the <!--{iferrmsgisPIN}--> block.
<!--{errmsg}--> The system replaces this token with a system-generated error message ("Invalid PIN", "Sorry, cannot locate patron record", "Sorry, name entered does not match name in record." "Please fill in ALL of the following information", etc.)
<!--{xif}--> Closes the <!--{iferrmsgisPIN}--> block.
<!--{xif}--> Closes the <!--{iferrmsg}--> block.
<!--{ifextpat}--> If the Has LDAP option has an entry for the port serving this file, the system interprets tokens and markup between this token and its closing <!--{xif}--> token.
<!--{extpatid}--> The system replaces this token with the Has LDAP ID text box.
<!--{extpatpw}--> The system replaces this token with the Has LDAP password text box.
<!--{xif}--> Closes the <!--{ifextpat}--> block.
<!--{enterinfo}--> The system replaces this token with the following text string: "Please enter the following information:"
<!--{ifneedpatronname}--> If this token is present, the system checks if patron name is used for verification. If so, the system interprets tokens and markup between this token and its closing <!--{xif}--> token.
<!--{nameexample}--> The system replaces this token with the Example for name prompt from the Patron self-identification prompts & examples OPAC option.
<!--{nameprompt}--> The system replaces this token with the Prompt for Namein the Patron self-identification prompts & examplesOPAC option.
<!--{name}--> Input for Patron Name
<!--{xif}--> Closes the <!--{ifneedpatronname}--> block.
<!--{ifneedpatronverify}--> If this token is present, the system checks to see if patron verification is required. If so, the system interprets tokens and markup between this token and its closing <!--{xif}--> token.
<!--{barcodeexample}--> The system replaces this token with the Example for patron ID in the Patron self-identification prompts & examplesOPAC option.
<!--{barcodeprompt}--> The system replaces this token with the Prompt for patron IDin the Patron self-identification prompts & examplesOPAC option.
<!--{barcode}--> Input for Patron Barcode or ID Number
<!--{ifneedspin}--> System checks if PIN validation is required, and if not the system proceeds to the <!--{submit}--> token
<!--{iferrmsgisPIN}--> System checks if patron record does not have a PIN
<!--{newpinmsg}--> The system replaces this token with the value of the NEWPIN_MSG Web option.

The system replaces this token with the value of the NEWPIN1_PROMPT Web option. If this option is not defined, the system replaces this token with the following message:

Please enter your PIN

<!--{pin1}--> The system replaces this token with the first input box for a new PIN.

The system replaces this token with the value of the NEWPIN2_PROMPT Web option. If this option is not defined, the system replaces this token with the following message:

Enter your PIN again

<!--{pin2}--> The system replaces this token with the second input box for a new PIN.
<!--{else}--> If PIN is needed and patron record has a PIN, system prompts for PIN input
<!--{pininstructions}--> The system replaces this token with the Example for PIN value set in the Patron self-identification prompts & examplesOPAC option.
<!--{pinprompt}--> The system replaces this token with the Prompt for PIN value from the Patron self-identification prompts & examplesOPAC option.
<!--{pin}--> User input for patron's PIN
<!--{pinresetrequest}--> The system replaces this token with the value of the ICON_PIN_RESET Web option. If users are allowed to reset their PINs, clicking this link takes the user to the Request a PIN Reset form.
<!--{xif}--> Closes the <!--{iferrmsgisPIN}--> block.
<!--{xif}--> Closes the <!--{ifneedspin}--> block.
<!--{xif}--> Closes the <!--{ifneedpatronverify}--> block.
<!--{ifalternate_id}--> If this token is present, and the HAS_ALTERNATE_ID Web option is set to true, the system interprets the tokens and displays the content between this token and its closing <!--{xif}--> token.
<!--{user_name}--> The system replaces this token with the textbox prompt for the patron's alternate ID. This input accepts a maximum of 25 characters.
<!--{xif}--> Closes the <!--{ifalternate_id}--> block.
<!--{submit}--> The system replaces this token with a Submit link. The ICON_BUT_PAT_SUBMIT Web option controls the appearance of this link. If that option is not defined, the system uses the value of the BUT_PAT_SUBMIT Web option.
<!--{formend}--> The system replaces this token with the closing HTML <form> tags generated by the <!--{formbegin}--> token.
  • The <!--{toplogo}--> token provides the opening <HTML> and <BODY> tags and must be the first item on the page. However, the <!--{botlogo}--> token does not provide the corresponding </HTML> and </BODY> tags, which must be included in the page.
  • The simple pverify_web.html and pverify3_web.html forms are identical. The system provides the correct form elements when processing the <!--{patform}--> token.

You can create separate custom forms for each combination of language, scope, and patron type by using the following naming convention:


LANG The language code (spi for Spanish, frc for French, etc.).
s# The number of the scope (s1, s2, s3, etc.).

For a current example of this form, see the appropriate example set in WebPAC Example Sets and Photoshop Files on CSDirect.

See also:
Enabling Patrons to Change Patron Record Information