INN-Reach Central LDAP Authentication Form

Command link:     None
HTML document:  extpat_[INN-Reach site code].html

This form controls the display of the LDAP section of an INN-Reach patron verification form. The extpat_[INN-Reach site code].html file is an HTML fragment inserted into either the INN-Reach Central Server Patron Verification Form or the Request Verification Form. The form resides in the live/screens directory on the INN-Reach Central Server. The Central System Administrator defines a form for each INN-Reach site that uses External Patron Verification. The name of the form incorporates the INN-Reach site code. For example:


This form supports the following tokens:

Token Description
<!--{extpatid}--> The system replaces this token with the prompt for the user login for the INN-Reach site.
<!--{extpatpw}--> The system replaces this token with the prompt for the user password for the INN-Reach site.

You can create separate custom forms by language type by using the following naming convention:

extpat_[INN-Reach site code]_LANG.html

LANG The language code (spi for Spanish, frc for French, etc.).