Using Web Access Management

Web Access Management allows your organization to use the Innovative Web server to forward requests to a remote server (e.g., a subscription database). Your organization can use Web Access Management to:

Support for HTTP 1.1

Web Access Management supports HTTP 1.1 protocol and standards. You can customize the HTTP 1.1 methods and headers your system uses in Web Access Management with the wamconfig.txt file.

Statistics on forwarded requests are logged (e.g., the date and time of a forwarded request, the server to which a request was forwarded, and patron type). You can view these statistics in the Forwarding Service Web report.


Web Access Management is designed to enable your organization to support patrons who access your catalog from their home or office. You can also use Web Access Management to forward requests from public access Web browsers not on-site. For example, browsers in an on-campus computer lab or a city government office can use these remote services or databases via Web Access Management.

Once users are allowed access to a service (e.g., the user enters a valid patron name and barcode), the Web server maintains a ten-minute timeout for that particular client. Any additional requests to the same remote server will not require re-verification as long as they are made within this ten minute timeout period. Local browser settings may also affect timeouts and the caching of access permissions. For remote connections that do not use the Innovative proxy server, a patron's access privileges will also expire if the browser software is shut down.

Details on Web Access Management are found on the following pages:

How Web Access Management Works
Web Access Management Syntax
Web Access Management and Patron Verification
Editing the Forward Table
Downloading Web Access Management Statistics
Multiple IP Support for Web Access Management
Configuring the webproxy2.patterns File
Configuring the webproxy.request.patterns File