The wamconfig.txt File

Editing this File

Innovative recommends you edit the wamconfig.txt file only if you are familiar with HTTP requesting methods and headers.

The wamconfig.txt file specifies customized methods and headers for support of the HTTP 1.1 protocol in Web Access Management.

This file resides in your http/live directory. You can edit this file using the Web Master function.

File Elements

The wamconfig.txt file accepts the following entries for modifying HTTP keys. Entries are listed with one entry per line:

Entry Description
HTTPMethod: [method] The HTTP method, where [method] is the customized method value.

HTTPHeader: [header]

The HTTP header, where [header] is the customized client header value. This key accepts the following special characters in the value:

* (asterisk)

Matches against all headers containing the string before the asterisk. For example:

HTTPHeader: X-My-header* matches against:


? (question mark)

Matches against any header that differs from the header string by one character. For example:

HTTPHeader: X-My-header? matches against:


but does not match against:


KeepAliveTimeout: [timeout]

The timeout, in seconds. If the browser does not submit another request within the specified timeout, Web Access Management closes the connection. This value displays in the request as the timeout portion of the HTTP Keep-Alive header.

For example, if KeepAliveTimeout:6, then the value displays in the HTTP Keep-Alive header as:

Keep-Alive: timeout=6, max=10

If the timeout portion is not defined, Web Access Management uses a default timeout value of 5.

KeepAliveMax: [requests]

The maximum number of requests submitted in the same connection. This value displays in the request as the max portion of the HTTP Keep-Alive header. For example, if KeepAliveMax:12, then the value displays in the HTTP Keep-Alive header as:

Keep-Alive: timeout=5, max=12

If the max portion is not defined, Web Access Management uses a default max value of 10.

AddHTTPHeader: [header]

The HTTP header to add to requests forwarded to hosts. For example:

AddHTTPHeader: X-Innovative-WAM: Innovative WAM Was Here

In certain instances, this header is required to reapply a proxy (for example, after signing in to MyEBSCO using a non-proxied link).

If neither the KeepAliveTimeout nor KeepAliveMax values are set in the wamconfig.txt file, Web Access Management submits the following default value in the HTTP Keep-Alive response header:

Keep-Alive: timeout=5, max=10

For example:

HTTPHeader: X-My-header
KeepAliveTimeout: 6
KeepAliveMax: 12

Default Support for HTTP Methods and Headers

HTTP Methods

By default, Web Access Management supports the following HTTP methods in HTTP 1.1:

HTTP Headers

By default, Web Access Management supports the following HTTP client headers in HTTP 1.1:


Web Access Management automatically forwards any client header that starts with X- and does not start with X-Forwarded-.