Downloading Web Access Management Statistics

To view these statistics, you must be authorized for function 17 (Circulation statistics). See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

If your library has acquired Web Access Management, you can use the Web Management Web Access statistics reports to view forwarded patron requests for online resources.

To download forwarding statistics:

  1. In the Web Management Reports browser window, choose Web Access from the reports menu.

At the top of the report parameters form, the system displays a message that describes how full your Forwarding Service log file is.

  1. Specify the following parameters for your report:
    • Report type — Select one report type by choosing the appropriate radio button.
    • Resource databases — You can choose All online resources or a single resource. You also can choose multiple resources by pressing the Ctrl key while choosing resources from the list.
    • Date/time range — Indicate the date/time range by choosing the appropriate radio button.

If you choose the User Specified date/time option, you must specify a Start date. Then you can choose to enter an End date manually, or have the system determine an end date. When you choose Calculate End Date, the system sets the end date so that the range of records downloaded is as close to 16,000 megabytes as possible (16,000 megabytes is the program limit for Excel spreadsheets).

If you do not specify a start time, you must specify an end time. By default the system uses the first entry in the database as the start time.

  1. Choose one of the following options to generate the report:
    • Download Only — You are prompted to use the system-generated default report name and save the report file or change the filename and to save the report file to your desktop. The statistics that comprise the report remain on your system for future reporting.
    • Download and Delete — You are prompted to specify a file name and to save the report file to your desktop. After you save the report file, the system prompts you with a confirmation dialog to delete all statistics for that date range. The confirmation dialog indicates the date and time parameters for these statistics.
    • Delete Only — The system prompts you with a confirmation dialog to delete all statistics for that date range. The confirmation dialog indicates the date and time parameters for these statistics.

After you download a report, you can view the data in a spreadsheet program (for example, Excel), which enables you to manipulate the data for better analysis.

Disabling Web Access Management Statistics

If your library does not track Web Access Management statistics or regularly perform regular maintenance and clearing of your Web Access Management statistics, there may be system performance issues resulting from uncleared statistics logs.

To prevent any potential system performance issues, contact the Help Desk to request disabling of Web Access Management statistics collection.

See also:
Using the Web Access Management Statistics Filter
Changing the Web Access Management Rejection Code Labels
Editing the Forward Table
Web Access Management Options