Searching for Programs in the WebPAC

Once Program Registration is installed on your Innovative system, patrons can search for existing programs using the programs search pages accessed from the following command links:

Command Link System Page
http://[your catalog address]/programs programs.html
http://[your catalog address]/search/P srchhelp_P.html

The system does not have a default display for the programs.html form. To use the /programs command link, you must create a programs.html form.

Alternately, the system displays programs in standard advanced boolean searches.

Command Link System Page
http://[your catalog address]/search/X srchhelp_X.html

An example of a program search page:

Depending on your customizable form configuration, you can limit searches by:

Program Registration AWS Slices

Depending on your system setup, typical AWS index slices for Program Registration are:

Segment Name Index Tag
programname H
programcode L
programsubject Q
programdesc J
programwords P

You can also click the Program Calendar icon to access your program calendar.

Viewing Search Results

Program Display Page

From the program display page, you can:

See also:
Creating Programs