Creating Programs for Which Registration via Sierra Is Not Required

To modify a program record, you must be assigned permission 754 (Update program records). To modify a section record, you must be assigned permission 764 (Update section records). To modify a session, you must be assigned permission 771 (Modify session). See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

You can create programs for which registration through Sierra is not required by disabling patrons' ability to register for any section of the program. If patrons must register for a program through a different means (for example, through a third party), see Creating Programs for Which Registration Is Required by a Third Party.

Programs that do not enable registration via Sierra do not maintain a list of registrants. Therefore, patrons who are not registered via Sierra are not able to receive program-related emails (such as cancellation messages or broadcast emails).

To create a program for which registration via Sierra is not enabled:

  1. Choose Program Management from the Function list.
  2. Open the program record for editing.
  3. Add one of the following values to the REGPOSSIBL fixed-length field:
    ValueCorresponding System Behavior
    FALSENo registration link is displayed for the program in the WebPAC and program calendar. Instead, the system displays the message No Registration Required. Registration is disabled in the Program Registration functions.
    NONENo registration link or message is displayed for the program in the WebPAC and program calendar. Registration is disabled in the Program Registration functions. This option is best for libraries that never require registration for their programs.
  4. Add the program name in the PROGRAMNAM variable-length field.
  5. Add the following optional fields, as needed.

The following fields, which are also optional, display in the WebPAC:

When you enter a value of  "FALSE" in the REGPOSSIBL field, the system ignores any data in the following fields:

Even though the system ignores data in the COST field, you can use the PAY TYPES and/or FEE NOTE fields in the program record to specify fee requirements.

  1. Choose Save to save your program record information. Choose Close to close the program record without saving.
  2. Add at least one section record.
  3. One by one, open each section record associated with this program and add the following:
    • A value of   "ACTIVE" in the STATUS field
    • Sessions associated with the section

The following fields are optional and display in the WebPAC:

When you enter a value of  "FALSE" in the REGPOSSIBL field in the program record, the system ignores any data in the following fields:

  1. Choose Save to save your section record information. Choose Close to close the section record without saving.
    Retroactively Disabling the Ability to Register

    If you change the REGPOSSIBL field from "TRUE" to "FALSE" after patrons have registered via Sierra for the program (or put themselves on the waitlist), the registered (and waitlisted) patrons remain associated with the program until you manually remove the patrons from the list.

    Note that removing patrons from a registration list or waitlist results in an automatic email to the patrons stating that the program has been cancelled or that the patrons have been transferred. Innovative recommends that instead of cancelling or transferring patrons in this case, you send a broadcast email specifying that the program no longer requires registration. (However, leaving patrons registered or waitlisted for a program for which registration via Sierra is not enabled still counts as a current registration or waitlist and could prevent the patrons from registering for additional programs.)

See also:
Publishing Programs
Creating Programs
Creating Programs for Which Registration Is Optional
Creating Programs for Which Registration Is Required by a Third Party
Creating Sections and Sessions
Editing Sections
Adding Sessions