Sending Broadcast Emails to Patrons

To send a broadcast email to patrons on the registration list or waitlist, you must be assigned permission 773 (Email waitlist and/or registrants). See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

To manually send a broadcast email to select or all patrons registered or waitlisted for a section or program:

  1. Retrieve the section record for which you want to send a broadcast email.
  2. From the Register tab, select the patrons to whom you want to send an email and choose the Email button.
  3. In the Email Program Registrant List dialog, select a subject from the Email Subject drop-down list and modify the associated text if necessary. For more information about the options in this dialog, see the Predefined Broadcast Email Text table.
  4. Choose Send to send the email to the selected patrons. Choose Cancel to return to the Register tab without sending an email.
  5. Repeat these steps from the Waitlist tab to send a broadcast email to waitlisted patrons.