Searching for Programs in the Program Calendar

If your site has acquired Program Registration, patrons can search for existing programs using the program calendar. The program calendar's URL is:

http://<your site's IP address>/iii/calendar

To access the program calendar, patrons choose the Program Calendar icon from the program search page. The Program Calendar icon is controlled by the ICON_PROGRAM_CAL Web option.

When patrons access the calendar, it opens in grid view. For example:

To search for programs, patrons can do the following:

Patrons can also print the current calendar pane.

Toggle the Calendar View

Patrons can toggle the calendar between the two main views: grid view and list view. In grid view, the first few programs scheduled on each day are displayed in a calendar format. In list view, all programs are listed in linear format.

To toggle between views, patrons choose the view graphic above the calendar pane. In grid view, the calendar displays a See List View graphic; in list view, the calendar displays a See Grid View graphic.

Limit the Search

Patrons can limit their searches in several ways. To limit searches, patrons use the search-limiting boxes to the right of the calendar pane. Depending on your library's setup, the calendar displays the following search boxes:

Limit to Location
The calendar displays the Limit to Location box if your library has acquired the Scoping product and your library chooses to enable location limiting by scoped location in Program Registration. Note that your library can choose to not use the Limit to Location box even if the Scoping product is used for other functions. If Scoping is used to limit locations, the drop-down list displays the contents of the Scope Menu.
To edit the Scope Menu or to remove the Limit to Location box from the calendar, contact Innovative.
Limit to Program Types
Program type checkboxes display in the same order as the entries in the Program Types Program Registration Parameters table. Patrons can choose any combination of program type checkboxes.
Program Search
To search on a specific keyword or phrase, patrons input their search text into the Program Search text box and choose the type of search they want: Entire Catalog or Programs Only.

When using the search-limiting boxes, patrons can do the following:

Print the Current Calendar Pane

To print the calendar pane currently displayed, patrons choose the Printer graphic located below the calendar pane.

If your library has used third-party software to set up an hCalendar microformat in the Program Calendar, patrons can use the CAL graphic to add programs to their personal calendars.

See also:
Viewing Programs in the Calendar's Grid View
Viewing Programs in the Calendar's List View