Using Ecommerce

The Ecommerce product allows organizations to accept online credit card payments in the WebPAC for fees and fines displayed in the patron record display as well as for donations.

Ecommerce requires the following:

Express Lane

Express Lane does not support Ecommerce with Hosted Checkout Pages. For information about ecommerce for Express Lane, see Paying Fines with Comprise Ecommerce For Express Lane.

Editing and Customizing Ecommerce Accounts

Ecommerce supports single accounts, multiple accounts (such as libraries that maintain a separate account for donations), and multiple accounts for consortia.

You can edit your Ecommerce account parameters, Web options, and customizable Web forms, as needed. For more information, see Setting up Ecommerce with Hosted Checkout Pages.

Using Ecommerce

WebPAC users can perform the following ecommerce transactions through Ecommerce:

Refreshing Ecommerce Changes

When making changes to any Ecommerce Web options or Web forms, you must use the Web Master Refresh function to enable the changes on your system. For Web options, you must refresh and restart the WebPAC.

See also:
Setting up Ecommerce with Hosted Checkout Pages
Ecommerce Account Parameters File for Hosted Checkout Pages
Ecommerce Options
Donation Form (donateform.html)
Fees and Fines Payment Form (payform.html)
Refreshing Web Applications