Ecommerce Options

This page describes the Web options for the Ecommerce options group. Your organization must have purchased the Ecommerce product to use these options. Review these options to determine any necessary setup that your organization might need to perform.


The Ecommerce product does not currently use this option, but the system requires that it is present in the Web options file.

This option defines the message to display when a transaction (either payment of fines or fees or a donation) has been approved. The format is:


For example:

CC_APPROVED=Your payment has been accepted. Please print this page as a receipt of your payment.

This option can vary by language.


The Ecommerce product does not currently use this option, but the system requires that it is present in the Web options file.

This option defines the message to display when a transaction (either payment of fines or fees or a donation) has been declined. The format is:


For example:

CC_DECLINED=Unable to process payment. Please confirm that you have entered your card number correctly or visit the library to pay this amount.

This option can vary by language.


The Ecommerce product does not currently use this option, but the system requires that it is present in the Web options file.

This option defines the Subject line, From address and Reply To address for the email receipt. The information in this option is used for both donation and payment email receipts, and the body of the email will contain the same transaction information displayed in the receipt page.


The CC_EMAIL_RECEIPT Web option must be configured on your system for Ecommerce to work in the WebPAC.

The format is:

CC_EMAIL_RECEIPT=<subject>|<from>|<reply to>

Element Description
<subject> The text to use as the subject line of the email receipt.
<from> The "From" address that appears in the email header. This address will not be verified prior to sending the message.

Enter a fully qualified email address including the @[domain]. For example, "" sends bounced email to the email account "bounces" on the "" server. The fully qualified email address cannot resolve to the Innovative server that originates the email. Fully qualified email addresses are limited to 49 characters.
Innovative Servers Reject Incoming Email

Innovative servers are configured to reject incoming email, including bounced email (that is, undeliverable email that is returned to a sender-designated address).

Invalid Characters

The plus sign ('+') is invalid character in email addresses used by Ecommerce.

<reply to>

The "Reply To" address that appears in the email header. Enter a fully qualified email address including the @[domain]. For example, "" sends reply email to the email account "reply" on the "" server. Use a fully qualified email address that does not resolve to the Innovative server that originates the email. Fully qualified email addresses are limited to 49 characters. This address will not be verified prior to sending the message.

Invalid Characters

The plus sign ('+') is invalid character in email addresses used by Ecommerce.

This field is optional. If this field is left blank, no "Reply To" line will be included in the header of the email address.

For example:

CC_EMAIL_RECEIPT=Receipt for payment to Your Library||

This option has no default setting. If this option is not defined, Ecommerce will not work in the WebPAC.

This option can vary by patron type (P TYPE) and language.


This option defines the email parameters of the notification email issued to library staff after Ecommerce has processed a successful donation. The option format is:

DONATE_NOTIFY=<subject line>|<From>|<Email>

Element Description
<subject line> This element defines the subject line for the notification email.
<From> This element defines the address the notification email was sent from.

Enter a fully qualified email address including the @[domain]. For example, "" sends bounced email to the email account "bounces" on the "" server. The fully qualified email address cannot resolve to the Innovative server that originates the email. Fully qualified email addresses are limited to 49 characters.
Innovative Servers Reject Incoming Email

Innovative servers are configured to reject incoming email, including bounced email (that is, undeliverable email that is returned to a sender-designated address).

Invalid Characters

The plus sign ('+') is invalid character in email addresses used by Ecommerce.

If you leave this element blank, the system uses a default "from" address. To change the default "from" address, contact Innovative.

This element defines the email address to send the notification email to.

Invalid Characters

The plus sign ('+') is invalid character in email addresses used by Ecommerce.


For example:

DONATE_NOTIFY=Donation Notification||

This option can vary by scope and language.


This option defines the text that appears in the Description field in donation forms. The value is:


Where [text] is a brief description of the transaction. For example:


This option does not have a default setting. If this option is not defined or is commented out, the system does not populate the Description field in donation forms.

This option can vary by scope, patron type (P TYPE), and language.


This option defines the system message to display after a successful donation using Ecommerce. This requires the following URL set in the Return URL setting in PayPal Manager:


Where [domain] is your library domain name. For details, see the optional settings for Ecommerce configurations.

The option value is:


Where [message] is the text message to display. If the URL is set in the PayPal Manager, but this option is not defined, the system uses the following default:

ECOM_LINK_DONATE_DONE=Thank you for your donation.


This option defines the text that appears in the Description field in payment forms for fees and fines. The value is:


Where [text] is a brief description of the fine. For example:


This option does not have a default setting. If this option is not defined or is commented out, the system does not populate the Description field in payment forms for fees and fines.

This option can vary by scope, patron type (P TYPE), and language.


This option defines the system message to display after a successful payment for a fine through Ecommerce with Hosted Checkout Pages. This requires the following URL set in the Return URL setting in PayPal Manager:


Where [domain] is your library domain name. For details, see the optional settings for Ecommerce configurations.

The option value is:


Where [message] is the text message to display. If the URL is set in the PayPal Manager, but this option is not defined, the system uses the following default:

ECOM_LINK_FINES_DONE=Thank you for your payment.

This option can vary by scope, patron type (P TYPE), and language.


This option defines the fields that pre-populate the PayPal payment forms. The value is:


Where [tags] is a list of patron field tags.

Pre-populated Fields

Users can change the values of pre-populated fields before submitting transactions.

Valid field tags are:

Tag Description
n Patron Name (NAME)
a The first address field (ADDRESS)
t Telephone number (TELEPHONE)
z Email address (EMAIL)

For example:


Patron Field Values

Patron field tag values must be separated into individual lines in the patron record for PayPal forms to populate the values correctly. For example:

5850 Shellmound Way

If your library combines values such as city/state/zip code on a single line, you should omit the address (a) field from the ECOM_LINK_SEND_PERSONAL Web option setting so the patron can fill in correct data.

If this option is not defined, the patron's personal information on PayPal's form is blank.


This option defines the display properties of the Pay link on the fees or fines display in the patron record. This option also defines the Pay button in the program_cart.html form used by Ecommerce for Program Registration.

The value of this option is HTML, defining either the text or an image to use as the link. Clicking this link takes the user to the payform.html display in a popup window. For example:

ICON_PAY=<img src="/screens/pay.gif" alt="Pay Online" border="0" />

This option can vary by scope and language.


This option defines the display properties of the Clear All link on the fines or fees payment form. The value of this option is HTML, defining either the text or an image to use as the link. If this option is not defined, the default text of "Clear All" displays for the link. Clicking the link will deselect all the fines or fees in the table. For example:

ICON_PAY_CLEAR_ALL=<img src="/screens/pay_clear_all.gif" alt="Clear All" border="0" />

This option can vary by scope and language.


This option defines the display properties for the Continue link on the Fines and Fees Payment Form. Clicking this link takes the user to the PayPal transaction screens. The value of this option is HTML, defining either the text or an image to use as the link. For example:



ICON_PAY_CONTINUE=<img src="/screens/pay_continue.gif" alt="Continue to PayPal" border="0" />

If this option is not defined, the system uses the following default:


This option can vary by scope and language.


This option defines the display properties of the "Select All" link on the fines or fees payment form. The value of this option is HTML, defining either the text or an image to use as the link. If this option is not defined, the default text of "Select All" displays for the link. Clicking this link will select all of the fines or fees in the table. For example:

ICON_PAY_SELECT_ALL=<img src="/screens/pay_select_all.gif" alt="Select All" border="0" />

This option can vary by scope and language.


This option defines the display properties of the "Print" link on the payment receipt screen. Clicking this link prints the contents of the receipt screen. The value of this option is HTML, defining either the text or an image to use as the link. For example:

ICON_PRINT=<img src="/screens/print.gif" alt="print" border="0" />

This option can vary by scope and language.


This option defines the minimum amount for online donations. The format is:


Element Description
[amount] The minimum donation amount, in pennies, for which online payments are allowed. This value must be "101" or greater in order to enable donations.
[message] The message to include on the donateform.html display if the donation amount is less than the minimum amount defined in the [amount] element.

For example:

MINDONATE=1000|Donations must be at least $10.00 to cover processing costs. Thank you.

This option can vary by patron type (P TYPE) and language.


This option defines the minimum amounts and the service fee for paying fees or fines. The format is:

PAYAMTS=[min fee]|[message]|[service charge]

Element Description
[min fee] The minimum amount of fines or fees, in pennies, for which online payments are allowed. This value must be "101" or greater in order to enable fine payments.

The message that appears on the payform.html display when the total amount of fines or fees selected for payment (less any applicable service charge) is less than the minimum amount defined in [min fee].

[service charge] The amount, in pennies, of a service charge for online payments. This service charge is added to any online transactions and will be listed as a separate line in the table of fines or fees on the payform.html display in a popup window. If this field is set to '0', or is left undefined, then no service charge is added to the transactions.

For example:

PAYAMTS=1000|Please visit the library to pay this amount|250

This option can vary by patron type (P TYPE) and language.