Setting Up Ecommerce with Hosted Checkout Pages

After you have acquired the Ecommerce product and Innovative staff have completed the installation, edit the following:

Before You Begin

Ecommerce requires Innovative installation and setup. Do not proceed with the following steps until Innovative has notified you that installation is complete.

Ecommerce Web Options

To enable Ecommerce in the WebPAC, you must set the MINDONATE, and PAYAMTS Web options, then configure other Web options, as needed.

  1. In the Web Options function, select the Ecommerce group.
  2. Configure the PAYAMTS and MINDONATE Web options to satisfy minimum payment requirements. For more information, see the Web option descriptions.
  3. Confirm that the Web options below are present in the Web options file. Note that although the Ecommerce product does not currently use these options, the system requires that they are present in the Web options file.
  1. Modify the other Ecommerce Web options, as needed.
  2. Use the Web Options function to move them to your live directory.
  3. Change to the Patron Record Options group.
  4. Configure the TIMEOUT_POPUP Web option.
  5. Save your changes and restart the WebPAC.
  6. Refresh Ecommerce.

Ecommerce Customizable Forms

See Preparing the Content for Customizable Files for information on sample files created for this product which are available for download from CSDirect. You might need to rename some sample files before use.

To customize the display of your Ecommerce forms, complete the following steps.

  1. Using the Web Master function, add the <--{continue}--> token to the following forms:
  2. Add donation links, as needed. To create donation links in your WebPAC, edit the appropriate pages (such as mainmenu.html) to include a /donate command link. This link must point to a fully-qualified and secure (https) WebPAC URL (for example, https://[domain name]/donate)

    To vary links by scope, p type, and language, use the following syntax instead of the /donate command link:

    Vary By Syntax
    Scope https://[domain]/iii/ecom/[scope]
    P Type https://[domain]/iii/ecom/[ptype]
    Language https://[domain]/iii/ecom/[lang]

    Where [domain] is your catalog domain, [scope] is the scope number, [ptype] is the patron type, and [lang] is the three-character language code.

  3. Use the Web Master function to put the files in your live directory.

    Ecommerce Web forms are not stageable.

  4. Save your changes and restart the WebPAC.
  5. Refresh Ecommerce.

Editing Ecommerce Accounts

Ecommerce supports single accounts, multiple accounts (such as libraries that maintain a separate account for donations), and multiple accounts for consortia. You can edit the Ecommerce Gateway Account Parameters File for Payflow Link in Admin Corner.

PayPal Configurations for Ecommerce with Hosted Checkout Pages

You must configure some elements of Ecommerce with Hosted Checkout Pages using the management interface provided by PayPal. The PayPal configuration depends whether your library has acquired Program Registration:

PayPal Configurations for WebPAC without Program Registration

The following are required and optional PayPal settings for Ecommerce with Hosted Checkout Pages.

Ecommerce with Hosted Checkout Pages and Ecommerce for Program Registration

If your library uses both Ecommerce with Hosted Checkout Pages and Ecommerce for Program Registration, the URLs for your PayPal settings must point to links for the Innovative-configured proxy server.

Required Settings

Setting Description Value
Form Configuration
Silent POST URL This setting ensures that the transaction data passes back to your Web site when a transaction is completed. The URL is:


Where [domain] is your library domain name. For example:

Port 443 must be open in your firewall for communication with PayPals' servers.
Return URL when Silent Post Fails This setting determines the URL to which users are directed if the transaction fails. The URL is:


Where [domain] is your library domain name. For example:

Return URL Method This setting determines the browser action after the user clicks the Continue link from PayPal's receipt page. You must set this to POST to receive successful transaction data from PayPal.
Security Options
AVS The Address Verification Service (AVS) verifies the cardholder's billing address to combat fraud in card-not-present transactions You should disable this option.
CSC This setting enables the check for the card security code. This code is a 3- or 4-digit number printed on the back of a credit card (typically in the signature field). Check with your bank to determine whether they support Card Security Code validation. You should disable this option.

Optional Settings

Setting Description Value
Return URL This is the URL to which the browser directs the user after clicking the Continue link on the PayPal receipt page. If this value is not specified, PayPal does not offer a Continue link on the receipt page. Specify the URL of your choice. If you direct the user back to your WebPAC running on a Sierra server, Innovative recommends using the following URL:


Where [domain] is your library domain name. For example:

Innovative recommends setting this value to enable logging for successful user transactions.

PayPal Configurations for WebPAC with Program Registration

The following are required and optional PayPal settings for Ecommerce with Hosted Checkout Pages if your library uses both Ecommerce and Ecommerce for Program Registration.

Required Settings

Setting Description Value
Form Configuration
Silent POST URL This setting ensures that the transaction data passes back to your Web site when a transaction is completed. The URL is:


Where [domain] is your library domain name. For example:

Port 443 must be open in your firewall for communication with PayPals' servers.
Return URL When Silent Post Fails This setting determines the URL to which users are directed if the transaction fails. The URL is


Where [domain] is your library domain name. For example:

Return URL Method This setting determines the browser action after the user clicks the Continue link from PayPal's receipt page. You must set this to POST to receive successful transaction data from PayPal.
Security Options
AVS The Address Verification Service (AVS) verifies the cardholder's billing address to combat fraud in card-not-present transactions You should disable this option.
CSC This setting enables the check for the card security code. This code is a 3- or 4-digit number printed on the back of a credit card (typically in the signature field). Check with your bank to determine whether they support Card Security Code validation. You should disable this option.

Optional Settings

Setting Description Value
Return URL This is the URL to which the browser directs the user after clicking the Continue link on the PayPal receipt page. If this value is not specified, PayPal does not offer a Continue link on the receipt page. Specify the URL of your choice. If you direct the user back to your WebPAC running on a Sierra server, Innovative recommends using the following URL:


Where [domain] is your library domain name. For example:

Innovative recommends setting this value to enable logging for successful user transactions.