Making Donations in Ecommerce with Hosted Checkout Pages

You can offer patrons and other online visitors the option to make online donations to your organization by creating a Donate link to the donation form from your WebPAC. This link must point to a fully-qualified and secure (https) WebPAC URL (for example, https://[domain name]/donate).

  1. Click on the Donate link.

The system displays the donation form (donateform.html).

  1. Enter the donation amount and click Continue.

    The ICON_PAY_CONTINUE Web option controls the appearance of the Continue link.

The Web browser forwards the user to the appropriate page on Paypal's system for the user to complete the transation.

Paypal generates any necessary receipts and email notifications for the user. Your library can use the ECOM_LINK_DONATE_DONE Web option to define a message to display after a successful donation. Note that this Web option requires special setup on the Paypal management interface. For details, see Paypal configurations for Ecommerce with Hosted Checkout Pages.