Using Featured Lists

Using the Featured Lists option in the WebPAC, you can offer lists of titles, such as award-winning books or titles relating to current events, to your patrons. These lists correspond to review files you create using Creating Lists.

Setting Up Featured Lists

To set up Featured Lists:

  1. Create a review file for each group of item or bibliographic records you want to offer as a featured list.
    Supported Record Types

    Featured Lists supports review files of bibliographic or item records. Featured lists does not support other record types from review files.

  2. Define the FEATURED_LIST Web option to establish the title display order and any headers in the display.
  3. Add the /ftlist command link to your main menu (mainmenu.html) page.

Accessing Featured Lists

To access Featured Lists:

  1. Access the /ftlist command link from your WebPAC.
  2. WebPAC displays the "Featured Lists" page with a link to each list.
    Featured Lists Page Display

    The "Featured Lists" page displays only if more than one review file has been designated as a list of featured titles. If only one review file is specified by the FEATURED_LIST Web option, the WebPAC displays the review file instead of the "Featured Lists" page.

    Click a featured list entry to display the contents of that list.

When you select a title in the list, WebPAC displays the list in browse format.

See also:
Featured Lists Options
Search Results Options
Style Sheet Classes