Patron Self-registration Entry Form

Command link:     /selfreg
HTML document:  selfreg.html

This form controls the display of the Patron Self-registration Entry Form. Using this form, the patron enters specified personal information and submits it to register with the library. If this file exists, the system uses it rather than the default display.

Specifying Templates Using Hidden Inputs

Your library can specify a patron template using a hidden input type on your selfreg.html form. To do so, add or uncomment the following:

   <input type="hidden" name="TemplateName" value="YOUR VALUE">

Replace YOUR VALUE with the template name. Note that the SELFREG_TEMPLATE Web option can override this setting, and a template specified in a fully-qualified /selfreg command link overrides both the SELFREG_TEMPLATE Web option and the hidden input setting. For more information, see Patron Self-registration Templates.

This form accepts the following tokens:

Token Description
<!--{toplogo}--> The system replaces this token with the <HTML> and <BODY> tags that begin an HTML page and displays the HTML defined in the TOPLOGO Web option. If you do not supply your own <HTML> and <BODY> tags, this token must be the first line in the selfreg.html file.
<!--{ret2cat}--> The system replaces this token with the value of the BUT_RET2CAT Web option.
<!--{startover}--> The system replaces this token with the value of the XSTARTOVER Web option.
<!--{name}--> The system replaces this token with an input box for the patron's name. This token does not distinguish between first and last name.
<!--{firstname}--> The system replaces this token with an input box for the patron's first name.
<!--{lastname}--> The system replaces this token with an input box for the patron's last name.
<!--{middlename}--> The system replaces this token with an input box for the patron's middle name.
<!--{address}--> The system replaces this token with an input box for the patron's address. This input box accepts input for the street address, city, state, and postal code and assigns these values to the address (a-tagged) field of the patron record. This token should not be used with the <!--{street}-->, <!--{city}-->, <!--{state}-->, and <!--{postalcode}--> tokens. Staff should use either the <!--{address}--> token or the <!--{street}-->, <!--{city}-->, <!--{state}-->, <!--{country}-->, and <!--{postalcode}--> tokens.
<!--{street}--> The system replaces this token with an input box for the street portion of the patron's address. This token should not be used with the <!--{address}--> token.
<!--{city}--> The system replaces this token with an input box for the city portion of the patron's address. This token should not be used with the <!--{address}--> token.
<!--{state}--> The system replaces this token with an input box for the state portion of the patron's address. This token should not be used with the <!--{address}--> token.
<!--{country}--> The system replaces this token with an input box for the country portion of the patron's address. This token should not be used with the <!--{address}--> token.
<!--{postalcode}--> The system replaces this token with an input box for the postal code portion of the patron's address. This token should not be used with the <!--{address}--> token.
<!--{address2}--> The system replaces this token with an additional input box for the alternate patron address. This input box accepts input the street address, city, state, and postal code and assigns these values to the address2 (h-tagged) field of the patron record. This token should not be used with the <!--{street2}-->, <!--{city2}-->, <!--{state2}-->, and <!--{postalcode2}--> tokens. Staff should use either the <!--{address2}--> token or the <!--{street2}-->, <!--{city2}-->, <!--{state2}-->, <!--{country2}-->, and <!--{postalcode2}--> tokens.
<!--{street2}--> The system replaces this token with an additional input box for the alternate street portion of the patron's address. This token should not be used with the <!--{address2}--> token.
<!--{city2}--> The system replaces this token with an additional input box for the alternate city portion of the patron's address. This token should not be used with the <!--{address2}--> token.
<!--{state2}--> The system replaces this token with an additional input box for the alternate state portion of the patron's address. This token should not be used with the <!--{address2}--> token.
<!--{country}--> The system replaces this token with an additional input box for the alternate country portion of the patron's address. This token should not be used with the <!--{address2}--> token.
<!--{postalcode2}--> The system replaces this token with an additional input box for the alternate postal code portion of the patron's address. This token should not be used with the <!--{address2}--> token.
<!--{phone1}--> The system replaces this token with an input box for the patron's phone number.
<!--{phone2}--> The system replaces this token with an additional input box for the patron's alternate phone number.
<!--{emailaddress}--> The system replaces this token with an input box for the patron's email address. The system validates that the email address entered has an '@' sign. WebPAC performs no other data validation on this form.
<!--{birthdate}--> The system replaces this token with an input box for the patron's birth date (the format must match how birthday is entered for the BIRTH DATE fixed-length patron record field).
<!--{department}--> The system replaces this token with an input box for the patron's department (if any).
<!--{universityID}--> The system replaces this token with an input box for the patron's ID (if any).
<!--{pcode1}--> The system replaces this token with a drop-down box with the options for PCODE1 (fixed-length field 044 in the patron record).
<!--{pcode2}--> The system replaces this token with a drop-down box with the options for PCODE2 (fixed-length field 045 in the patron record).
<!--{pcode3}--> The system replaces this token with a drop-down box with the options for PCODE3 (fixed-length field 046 in the patron record).
<!--{user_name}--> The system replaces this token with an input box for the patron's alternate ID.
<!--{iferrmsg}--> If self-registration fails, the system displays HTML and tokens between this token and its closing <!--{xif}--> token.
<!--{errmsg}--> The system replaces this token with the error message (if any).
<!--{xif}--> Closes the <!--{iferrmsg}--> block.
<!--{submit}--> The system replaces this token with the value of the ICON_SUBMIT Web option.
<!--{botlogo}--> The system replaces this token with the value of the BOTLOGO Web option. Does not insert the </BODY> and </HTML> tags that finish an HTML page.

The WebPAC does not validate information entered on this form except to confirm that the email address field contains a '@' character if the field is not otherwise empty. Your organization can include validation JavaScripts, as needed. Innovative Interfaces does not provide assistance with writing JavaScript.

You can create separate custom forms for each combination of template, scope, and language by using the following naming convention:


template The template to use for the form.
s# The scope.
lang The language code (e.g., spi for Spanish, frc for French).

For a current example of this form, see the appropriate example set in WebPAC Example Sets and Photoshop Files on CSDirect.