Patron Self-registration Options

This page describes the Web options for the Patron Self-Registration options group. Review these options to determine any necessary setup that your organization might need to perform.


This option defines how to configure patron address information received in patron self-registration. The format is:

SELFREG_ADDRESS=<insert $>|<punctuation>|<punctuation>|...

Element Value
<insert $> If this boolean element is set to a true value (i.e., 't', 'T', "true," "TRUE," "yes," "YES," or '1') the WebPAC delimits all lines in the ADDRESS field with a $ character.
<punctuation> This element defines punctuation to delimit ADDRESS fields received in patron self-registration. The first entry after the <insert $> element places the indicated punctuation between the first and second address field. Subsequent entries are inserted between subsequent fields (e.g., the next entry is inserted between the second and third address field).

If there are more <punctuation> entries than address field entries, the WebPAC ignores the excess <punctuation> entries.

For example:


This setting inserts a $ between every line in the address field. The first and second fields are not delimited by punctuation. The second and third fields are delimited by a comma (,). The third and fourth fields (assuming there is a fourth address field) are delimited by a period (.). For example:

5850 Shellmound Way$Emeryville,$CA.$94608

If this option is not defined, the WebPAC uses the following setting:



This option defines the elements of error notification emails to staff in Patron Self-Registration. The format is:


Element Description
<from> The "From" address for the email.

Enter a fully qualified email address including the @[domain]. For example, "" sends bounced email to the email account "bounces" on the "" server. The fully qualified email address cannot resolve to the Innovative server that originates the email. Fully qualified email addresses are limited to 49 characters.
Innovative Servers Reject Incoming Email

Innovative servers are configured to reject incoming email, including bounced email (that is, undeliverable email that is returned to a sender-designated address).

<reply-to> The "Reply To" address that appears in the email header. Enter a fully qualified email address including the @[domain]. For example, "" sends reply email to the email account "reply" on the "" server. Use a fully qualified email address that does not resolve to the Innovative server that originates the email. Fully qualified email addresses are limited to 49 characters. This address will not be verified prior to sending the message.

This field is optional. If this field is left blank, no "Reply To" line is included in the header of the email address.
<subject> The "Subject:" line for the email. This text cannot contain vertical bar ('|') characters.
<to> The email address to which the error email should be sent.

For example:||Self-Registration Error|

In this example, an error in patron self-registration sends a notification email from the email address to the email address. The email shows a reply-to address of

This option can vary by language.


This option defines the elements of successful notification emails in Patron Self-Registration. The format is:


Element Description
<from> The "From" address for the email.

Enter a fully qualified email address including the @[domain]. For example, "" sends bounced email to the email account "bounces" on the "" server. The fully qualified email address cannot resolve to the Innovative server that originates the email. Fully qualified email addresses are limited to 49 characters.
Innovative Servers Reject Incoming Email

Innovative servers are configured to reject incoming email, including bounced email (that is, undeliverable email that is returned to a sender-designated address).

<reply-to> The "Reply To" address that appears in the email header. Enter a fully qualified email address including the @[domain]. For example, "" sends reply email to the email account "reply" on the "" server. Use a fully qualified email address that does not resolve to the Innovative server that originates the email. Fully qualified email addresses are limited to 49 characters. This address will not be verified prior to sending the message.

This field is optional. If this field is left blank, no "Reply To" line will be included in the header of the email address.
<subject> The "Subject:" line for the email. This text cannot contain vertical bar ('|') characters.
<to> The email address to which the staff notification email should be sent.
<file> This optional element defines what file, if any, to use as the template for the notification email that the system sends to the patron upon successful self-registration. This file can have any name and must reside in the live/screens directory.

Note that Patron Self-Registration accesses this file from the live/screens directory for both the live WebPAC and staging WebPAC. When testing Patron Self-Registration in the staging directory, put the template for the notification email in the live/screens directory.

The name and composition of the file is defined by your organization. The file should have an .html extension to ensure that it displays in the Web Master function, however Innovative recommends that you do not include any HTML markup in your file to avoid the limitations of email clients. This file can contain the following two tokens:
<!--{name}-->The system replaces this token with the patron's first, middle, and last names as entered in the Patron Self-Registration Entry Form.
<!--{barcode}-->The system replaces this token with the system-generated barcode.

For details on tokens and how they work, see Customizable Web forms.

For example:||New patron notification||newpat.html

In this example, a successful patron self-registration sends a notification email from the email address to the email address. The emails sent following a successful registration show a reply-to address of The body of the email sent to the new patron is based on the contents of the newpat.html file created by library staff. The system displays the file to the patron after a successful self-registration.

This option can vary by language.


This option determine the order in which patron name components display in Patron Self-Registration. The format is:

SELFREG_NAME_ORDER=<last name position>|<first name position>|<middle name position>|<delimiter>

Element Description
<last name position> This element accepts a position value of 1, 2, or 3. That number determines where in the display the patron last name appears.
<first name position> This element accepts a position value of 1, 2, or 3. That number determines where in the display the patron first name appears.
<middle name position> This element accepts a position value of 1, 2, or 3. That number determines where in the display the patron middle name appears.
<delimiter> This optional element defines a character used to separate the first position from the second position. This element can be any character except the vertical bar ('|'). If this option is not defined, no delimiting character appears between the first and second positional names.

For example:


This setting displays a patron name as: "Smith, John Doe".


This setting displays a patron name as: "John Doe Smith".

If the three name elements in this option contain numbers of equal value, or if this option is not defined, the WebPAC uses a default value of 1|2|3|,


This option defines the default patron record creation template to use for Patron Self-Registration. The option setting is:


For example:


This option can vary by scope and language.

For more information on templates, see Creating Record Templates.


This option defines the timeout in a patron session for the Patron Self-Registration entry form (selfreg.html). The option accepts a numerical value, in seconds, as the timeout. For example:


This value sets the timeout at 30 seconds.

If this option is not defined, or does not exist, then the Patron Self-Registration uses a timeout of 120000 second (33 hours).

If this option is defined, the system provides a warning message 20 seconds before the timeout and allows the user to extend the session by clicking the message window's "Continue session" button. If the user has javascript disabled in the browser, the timeout warning does not appear.