ArticleReach Request Form
Command link: /nonret
HTML document: request_nonret.html
ArticleReach Central Server Only
This form can be enabled on the ArticleReach Central Server only. The form cannot be customized by ArticleReach site.
This form controls the appearance of the page used by a patron to place an ArticleReach request in the WebPAC on the ArticleReach Central Server. If this file exists, the system uses it rather than the default display.
The following tokens are valid for the request_nonret.html page:
Token | Description | ||||||||
<!--{toplogo}--> | The system replaces this token with the HTML defined in the TOPLOGO Web option. | ||||||||
<!--{formbegin}--> | This required token is replaced by an opening <FORM> tag. This token must be placed in the custom form before any form-related tokens. | ||||||||
<!--{errmsg}--> | The system replaces this token with a display of various error messages to the user explaining why the patron record cannot be accessed (for example, "Invalid PIN," "Sorry, cannot locate patron record," "Sorry, name entered does not match name in record," or "Please fill in ALL of the following information"). | ||||||||
<!--{nr[O or R]:[FIELD]:[DISPLAY LENGTH]}--> | The system replaces this token with an input for a request information field in the ArticleReach database. The elements of this token are:
<!--{nrO:aufirst:20}--> <!--{nrO:auinit:1}--> <!--{nrO:aulast:43}--> <!--{nrR:atitle:75}--> |
<!--{submit}--> | This token is replaced by the value of the ICON_REQUESTARTICLE Web option. | ||||||||
<!--{cancel}--> | This token is replaced by the value of the ICON_CANCEL Web option. Clicking this link returns the patron to the bibliographic display. | ||||||||
<!--{patpref}--> | The system replaces this token with radio button controls for patron delivery preferences for ArticleReach materials. | ||||||||
<!--{pickuploc}--> | The system replaces this token with a dropdown list of valid pickup locations for ArticleReach materials. | ||||||||
<!--{formend}--> | This required token is replaced by a closing </FORM> tag. This token must be placed in the custom form after all form-related tokens. | ||||||||
<!--{botlogo}--> | The system replaces this token with the HTML defined in the BOTLOGO Web option. |
You can create separate custom forms for each combination of language, scope, and central patron type by using the following naming convention:
LANG | The language code (spi for Spanish, frc for French, etc.). |
s# | The number of the scope (s1, s2, s3, etc.). |
p# | The central patron type or PTYPE (p0 or p243, etc.). |
For a current example of this form, see the appropriate example set in WebPAC Example Sets and Photoshop Files on CSDirect.
Possible Values for the FIELD Element of the <!--{nr}--> Token
The FIELD element of the <!--{nr}--> token must match the values below exactly, including capitalization. In the default display, the FIELD values display as labels.
Value | Description |
atitle | The title of the requested article. |
aufirst | The first name of the author of the requested article. |
auinit | The middle initial of the author of the requested article. |
aulast | The last name of the author of the requested article. |
coden | The journal's CodeN. |
Day | The day on which the requested article was published. |
eissn | The journal's EISSN. |
epage | The ending page number of the requested article. |
ForceSameSite | This field displays as a check box. If this box is checked, the system creates a paging list with the patron's site as the first potential lender, regardless of whether the patron's site has enabled requesting for locally available holdings. |
issn | The journal's ISSN. |
issue | The issue in which the requested article was published. |
Month | The month in which the requested article was published. |
NNAfterDate | The date after which the patron no longer needs the article request. This field displays as three drop-down menus: Day, Month, and Year. |
Note | Patron comments. This value enables patrons to enter any additional comments that might be relevant to filling the request. |
number | The number of the issue in which the requested article is published. |
quarter | The quarter in which the requested article was published. |
sid | The source of the citation information. This value enables a patron to enter information, for example, about an article or anthology in which they located the citation of the requested article. |
spage | The starting page number of the requested article. |
ssn | The season in which the requested article was published. |
title | The title of the journal in which the requested article was published. |
volume | The volume in which the requested article was published. |
Year | The year in which the requested article was published. |
ArticleReach ISSN Finder
If the ArticleReach ISSN Finder feature is enabled, the system can display a drop-down list of possible title matches as the patron enters data in the "title" input box of the ArticleReach Request Form.
As the patron enters data, the system automatically searches the ArticleReach Catalog for possible title matches and displays the search results in a sorted drop-down list. The patron can select a title from the list and, if necessary, edit it. Using the title that the patron selects or edits, the system identifies the matching bibliographic record in the ArticleReach Catalog and displays the associated ISSN and/or EISSN in the form.
To enable this feature, your Central System Administrator must contact Innovative.