Requesting an ArticleReach Item in WebPAC

You can enable your patrons to submit ArticleReach requests in WebPAC via one of the following links:

Requesting in WebPAC works as follows:

  1. The patron chooses the Request Article link in the bibliographic record display or the /nonret command link on another catalog page. The patron is connected to the Institutional Affiliation display through the customizable Web Access Management Patron Verification Form. The form displays a drop-down menu restricted to sites participating in ArticleReach requesting.
  2. The patron selects a site from the drop-down menu and clicks the Submit button. The Request Verification Form appears and prompts the patron to:
    • Provide name and ID information.
    • Choose a delivery method preference (electronic, hard copy, or not specified).
    • Choose a pickup location at your library.

    If your site does not want to prompt patrons to choose a delivery method preference and pickup location, ask your Central System Administrator to contact Innovative.

  3. The patron enters the information requested and clicks the Submit button. The system transmits the patron's personal information to the patron's home site for verification. The system:
    1. Performs standard verification of patron name, ID, and (if required) PIN.
      Secure Patron Verification

      If the Secure Patron Verification feature is enabled on your Local Server, the system encrypts the patron verification information sent by your Local Server to the ArticleReach Central Server. For more information, see Maintaining a Network Connection to the Central Server.

    2. Checks for possible blocks to ArticleReach requesting.
    3. Determines if the patron's total requests exceed your ArticleReach System's maximum request limits.
  4. If patron verification is successful, if the system finds no blocks to requesting, and if the request does not exceed a maximum request limit, the patron is connected to the customizable ArticleReach Request Form.
  5. The patron enters information in the ArticleReach Request Form to the fullest extent possible and chooses the Request Article link to submit the request. The system creates the request with a "NEW" status and attempts to create a paging list.
See also:
Modifying ArticleReach Requesting
Possible Messages (ArticleReach)