Modifying ArticleReach Requesting

To modify ArticleReach requesting, ask your Central System Administrator to contact Innovative.

You can modify certain aspects of ArticleReach requesting.

For your ArticleReach System, ArticleReach can be configured to:

For your site, ArticleReach can be configured to:

Checking Additional MARC Fields for Holdings

By default, when determining whether or not to display a Request Article link in the bibliographic record in WebPAC, the system checks for holdings stored in checkin fields. However, depending on cataloguing practices at contributing sites, an ArticleReach Catalog could potentially store holdings information in MARC-tagged fields in addition to checkin fields (for example, in 856 fields). The system can be configured to check both checkin fields and these additional fields for holdings information.

Note that if your ArticleReach System checks for holdings information in additional fields, your individual site can disable checking for these additional holdings fields in records contributed by your site. For example, if your ArticleReach System has enabled checking for 856 fields, your site can disable checking for 856 fields in records contributed by your site. All sites on your Local Server must make the same choice whether or not to disable checking for holdings in these fields.

ISSN Fields Required in Bibliographic Records When Checking for Holdings in 856 Fields

In order for ArticleReach to check for holdings in an 856 field in an institution record, an ISSN (MARC 022) field must be present in the bibliographic record to which the institution record is linked.

Note that an ISSN field is only required for checking for holdings in 856 fields. It is not required for checking checkin fields or any holdings field other than an 856 field (for example, it is not required for checking holdings in an 866 field).

Enabling Patrons to Specify a Delivery Preference

If the ArticleReach Patron Delivery Preference feature is enabled for your ArticleReach System, patrons can choose from among the following delivery options during requesting:

This preference is retained in the ArticleReach MySQL database. The information is subsequently included in:

Once Innovative has enabled this feature, your Central System Administrator must complete implementation by adding the <!--{patpref}--> token to the customizable Request Verification Form.

Enforcing Maximum ArticleReach Request Limits

Your ArticleReach System can set maximum request limits by central P TYPE. Maximum request limits are composed of two elements:

For example, you could set maximum limits so that patrons with a central P TYPE of 200 can request 10 articles in a 7-day period, whereas patrons with a central P TYPE of 210 can request only 5 articles in the same period.

Checking for Blocks to ArticleReach Requesting

In addition to standard verification of name, ID, and (if required) PIN, your site can block patrons from placing ArticleReach requests based on any of the following conditions:

If the system encounters one or more of these conditions during patron verification, a message displays to the patron indicating that the request cannot be processed.

The system can check for all or any combination of these blocks.

It is recommended that at a minimum, your site block requests submitted by patrons who do not have email addresses in their patron records, because ArticleReach notification messages are sent by email only. If you do not block requests submitted by patrons who do not have email addresses in their patron records, the system checks for an email address in the requesting patron's record after a patron submits an ArticleReach request. If there is no email address in the requesting patron's record, the system automatically updates the request status to "IN MEDIATION". If you do not want to mediate such requests, your site must block requesting by patrons who do not have email addresses in their records.