Printing ArticleReach Paging Slips

Staff at the requesting site can print paging slips for ArticleReach requests.

To print ArticleReach paging slips:

  1. View the requests paged at your site.
  2. Select all the requests (default), an individual request, or a group of requests you want to print.
  3. Choose the Print button.
  4. If any of the paged requests you selected has previously been printed, the system displays the following warning message:

    Reprint previously printed requests?

  5. Choose the appropriate option:
    • If you choose Yes, the system prints paging slips for all selected requests.
    • If you choose No, the system only prints those paging slips that have not previously been printed.
    • If you choose Cancel, the system returns to the Print Paged Requests screen without printing paging slips.
    • If you check the box beside Do not warn me again, this warning message is suppressed for the duration of the session. (The warning message displays again if you exit and return to ArticleReach.)
  6. If your library has enabled the Print Templates feature, the system displays additional prompts. Continue as follows:
    1. Select a print template. If your system is configured to prompt for print template selection or if there is more than one preferred print template available for ArticleReach paging slips, you must select a print template at the start of a session and each time you print. When you select a template, the system displays the Print Service dialog.
    2. In the Print Service dialog, verify that your print settings are as desired, and choose Select. The features of the Print Service dialog are described in Printing with Print Templates.
  7. In response to the system prompt, Print successful?, continue as appropriate:
    • If you choose Yes, the system updates the print status of the paging slip and returns you to the paged requests list.
    • If you choose No, the system does not update the print status of the paging slip and returns you to the paged requests list.
See also:
ArticleReach Paging Slips
Possible Messages (ArticleReach)
Refreshing the Display of ArticleReach Requests