ArticleReach Paging Slips

ArticleReach enables you to print a paging slip for each ArticleReach request paged at your site.

For more information, see the following:

Customizing ArticleReach Paging Slips

Your library can use one of the following features to choose the elements of the ArticleReach paging slip:

Default ArticleReach Paging Slip

The default ArticleReach paging slips includes the following elements:

Element Description
1 Header (includes print date).
2 Copyright notice.
3 Requesting patron information.
4 Requesting library receiving methods. The preferred receiving method is displayed in double-arrow brackets.
5 The method your library uses to supply article to requesting library.
6 ArticleReach e-Delivery Integration information. These fields are present if your library has acquired ArticleReach e-Delivery Integration.
7 Citation information.
8 Potential lending sites in paging priority order. The site at which the article is currently paged is displayed in double-arrow brackets.
9 Staff note.
10 The shelving location at the supplying library. If holdings are located at more than one branch affiliated with your site, this section displays location information for each branch that can potentially fill the request.

For a description of the individual fields that comprise these elements, see ArticleReach Request Details.

Your ArticleReach System can customize the elements highlighted in blue in the example slip below. To modify these elements, ask your Central System Administrator to contact Innovative.

If your library has acquired the ERM License Display feature for ArticleReach, the default paging slip can also include specific license record fields. For more information, see Displaying License Record Data for Paged ArticleReach Requests.

Example Default ArticleReach Paging Slip

The following is an example of the default ArticleReach paging slip:

Example ArticleReach paging slip