Enabling Document Transmission Products for Use with ArticleReach

The ArticleReach e-Delivery Integration Service enables you to use the Dropbox document transmission product to fill an ArticleReach request.

Individual sites within an ArticleReach System can use the Dropbox product with this service. The service coordinates document transmissions so that, regardless of the product used to create documents, all documents are accessible on a single web server.

Sites must configure a local PC for use as a document transmission station. Typically, this local PC is not the same machine on which the standard ArticleReach software is installed.

Installing and Configuring Dropbox for ArticleReach e-Delivery Integration

To enable Dropbox for this service:

  1. Enable a local PC with an Internet connection.
  2. Contact Innovative to request access to the ArticleReach Dropbox folder, and provide your e-mail address. In response, Innovative sends you an invitation to view the shared folder.
  3. Double-click the URL in the invitation. Your entry point to the Dropbox site depends on whether or not you have previously used Dropbox:
    • If you are a new Dropbox user, create a user account and download the software onto a local PC. For more information, contact Dropbox.
    • If you have previously used Dropbox, log in to your account. The ArticleReach Dropbox folder now displays among the folders to which you can copy files.

Innovative recommends that you disable the Show desktop notifications option in your Dropbox account Preferences. If this option is enabled, you receive a notification each time any library in the ArticleReach System transfers a document into or out of the ArticleReach Dropbox folder.