Possible Messages (ArticleReach)

This document describes some of the messages you might see when you use ArticleReach. The message descriptions are grouped according to related functionality, as follows:

Connecting to the ArticleReach Central Server

Cannot connect to Central Server <ArticleReach Central Server code>.
The system encountered a problem connecting to the ArticleReach Central Server.
Contacting central server...
The system is attempting to contact the ArticleReach Central Server.

Checking In an ArticleReach Item

Checking status of request...
The system is checking the status of the request in the ArticleReach database on the ArticleReach Central Server.
Database query failed.
The system cannot query the ArticleReach database.
Failed to query the central server.
The system cannot contact the ArticleReach Central Server.
Request ID #: Checkin cancelled.
You chose to cancel the checkin process during checkin of a request with a URL or Other delivery method.
Request ID #: Checked in.
The request is successfully checked in.
Request ID #: Error. Cannot process request.
The system encountered a problem processing the request.
Request ID #: Invalid request.
The system encountered a problem updating the request record in the ArticleReach database on the ArticleReach Central Server.
Request ID #: Request is not for local patron.
The request ID you entered does not correspond to a request submitted by a patron belonging to your site.
Request ID #: Request is not in transit.
The status of the request is not "IN TRANSIT".
Request ID #: Request not found in database.
The request ID you entered does not correspond to a request ID in the ArticleReach database on the ArticleReach Central Server.
You have selected requests in both the Request ID text box and a table row. Only one request may be checked in at a time.
You entered a request number in the Request ID text box that differs from the request selected in the request table.
Your entry does not appear to be a valid URL. Please confirm or modify.
The URL entered in the Delivery Method dialog does not have a correct prefix (for example, http:// or ftp://).

Creating an ArticleReach Borrowing and Lending Report

Assembling output file ...
The system is cumulating borrowing and lending statistics during the specified date ranges.
Creating statistics file.
The system is creating an export file of Borrowing and Lending Report statistics.
Please specify "from" and "to" dates in date range #.
You chose the Submit button without entering dates in the Start Date and End Date text boxes in the Date Range # pane.
Invalid date range in date range #.
The dates entered in the Start Date and End Date text boxes in the Date Range # pane are not valid.
Unable to open selected file, export did not occur!
The system encountered a problem exporting a file of Borrowing and Lending Report statistics.

Creating an ArticleReachh Journal Title Report

Creating statistics file.
The system is creating an export file of Journal Report statistics.
Please specify "from" and "to" dates.
You chose the Submit button without entering dates in the Start Date and End Date text boxes in the Date Range pane.
Invalid date range.
The dates entered in the Start Date and End Date text boxes in the Date Range pane are not valid.
Unable to open selected file, export did not occur!
The system encountered a problem exporting a file of Journal Report statistics.

Editing a Mediated ArticleReach Request

Cannot update the request.
The system could not update the mediated request's record in the ArticleReach database on the ArticleReach Central Server.
There is unsaved data. Do you want to save it?
You edited a field in the Edit Mediated Request dialog and chose the Close button without submitting the changes to the system. The system prompts you to save your changes.
Request can't be paged: This request has been cancelled subsequent to your current review.
While you were editing a mediated request, the request status was updated to "CANCELLED".

Exporting ArticleReach Request Details

Error downloading file from server.
The system encountered a problem exporting request details to the client PC from the ArticleReach database on the ArticleReach Central Server.
The Operating System was unable to open <statistics export file>.
The operating system on the client PC cannot open the statistics export file.

Printing ArticleReach Paging Slips

Print process stopped at request id #.
You cancelled printing of ArticleReach paging slips, or printing was interrupted by system problems. If you cancelled printing, the system updates the print status of all paged requests prior to the paged request specified by the request ID. If the system encountered problems in printing, the message is appended with "Print status is not updated" and the print status of the requests you selected for printing is unchanged.
Print status is not updated.
The print status of the requests you selected for printing is unchanged.
Print status update to server failed.
The print status of the requests you selected for printing could not be updated in the ArticleReach database on the ArticleReach Central Server.
Reprint previously printed requests?
One or more of the paged requests you selected for printing has been previously printed. This message prompts you to confirm that the requests should be reprinted.
Print successful?
The system has encountered no problems printing paging slips. This message prompts you to confirm that the system can update the print status of the related requests.

Processing a Paged ArticleReach Request

Cannot access request information.
The system cannot access paged request details to display in the lower half of the screen.
Cannot find request.
This message displays under the following conditions:
  • The request ID, as entered, cannot be matched to a request ID in the ArticleReach database.
  • The request does not have a "PAGED" status.
  • The request is not paged at your site.
Cannot process request.
The system encountered a problem processing the request.
Cannot update data.
The system encountered a problem updating the request record in the ArticleReach database on the ArticleReach Central Server.
Paged Request List Updated
You chose the Refresh button. The system refreshed local data with updates from the ArticleReach database on the ArticleReach Central Server.
Please select a processing method.
You chose the Process button before selecting one of the radio buttons in the Supply Method pane.
REQUEST ID: # - Processed
The request was successfully processed.
Request is no longer paged.
The status of the request changed while you were processing the request (for example, the request was cancelled by the patron or filled by another staff member).
Failed to send cancellation email to patron.
The system encountered a problem sending the notification message to alert the patron to the cancellation.

Requesting an ArticleReach Item in WebPAC

Invalid PIN.
The PIN number the patron entered does not match the PIN in the patron's record.
Please fill in all required fields.
The patron has not filled in all the required fields in the ArticleReach Request Form.
Request cannot be processed. Data in your record at your institution incomplete.
The patron's record does not contain one of the following fields: PATRN NAME, P TYPE, or PIN, if patron verification requires a PIN number.
Sorry, request cannot be processed. Cannot access your patron record.
The ArticleReach Central Server cannot retrieve patron information from the Local Server.
Sorry, request cannot be processed. Expiration date in patron record has passed.
The expiration date in the patron's record has passed.
Sorry, request cannot be processed. Patron does not have email address in record.
No e-mail address is present in the patron's record.
Sorry, request cannot be processed. Patron has exceeded the article request limit.
The patron has placed more requests within a specified time period than the ArticleReach System's maximum request limits allow.
Sorry, request cannot be processed. Patron is blocked from requesting at their site.
The patron has manual or automatic blocks to circulation at the requesting site.
Sorry, your ID number is not valid.
Using the identification number specified by the patron, the system was unable to locate the patron's record at the specified site.
You do not have a PIN in your record.
The patron's record does not contain a PIN number and a PIN is required to verify patrons.

Viewing an ArticleReach Request

Invalid request.
The system encountered a problem accessing the article request details.
An error occurred when cancelling request(s).
The system encountered a problem updating the request status to "CANCELLED" in the ArticleReach database on the ArticleReach Central Server.
Request ID # not found.
The request ID you entered in the search criteria text box does not match a request ID in the ArticleReach database or matches the ID of a request that is no longer available for viewing.

Viewing the ArticleReach Database Status

Statistics: Could not access the central server.
The system encountered a problem contacting the ArticleReach Central Server.