ArticleReach Request Display

ArticleReach request displays differ depending on the function used to view the requests:

Display of Paged Requests

When you choose the Print Paged Requests or Process Paged Requests functions from the Function list, the system displays a table of requests that have been paged at your site. These requests have a status of "PAGED".

This table includes the following columns:

This column enables you to select rows in the request table. To select all rows in the table, click on the column header.
The row number.
A value indicating whether or not your library has previously printed a paging slip for the request. If the request has previously been printed, an x displays.
Request ID
The number that uniquely identifies the request.
Date Paged
The date on which the request was paged at your site.
The code of the branch at which the request can be filled. If the request can potentially be filled at more than one branch, the value "multi" displays in this column. To view the list of branches represented by the "multi" value, view the request details.
Journal/Article Title
The title of the journal in which the requested article was published, and the title of the requested article.
Supply Pref
The requesting library's preferred method of receiving articles. To view a list of all methods by which the requesting library can receive articles, view the request details.

The total number of requests paged at your site displays in the status bar.

Display of In Transit Requests

When you choose Checkin Requests from the Function list, the system displays a table of requests submitted by your patrons that are in transit from or have been received from supplying sites. These requests have a status of "IN TRANSIT".

This table includes the following columns:

The row number.
Request Id #
The number that uniquely identifies the request.
Date Supplied
The date on which the supplying site processed the requested article.
Supply Method
The method that the supplying site used to supply the requested article to the requesting site. This value corresponds to the method that staff at the supplying site choose when processing the request.
Journal/Article Title
The title of the journal in which the requested article was published, and the title of the requested article.
Patron Delivery Pref
The delivery method the patron chose during requesting.
Pickup Location
The pickup location the patron chose during requesting.

Display of Mediated Requests

If you choose Mediate Requests from the Function list, the system displays a table of requests that were submitted by your patrons and now have a status of "IN MEDIATION".

This table includes the following columns:

This column enables you to select rows in the request table. To select all rows in the table, click on the column header.
The row number.
Request ID
The unique number used by the system to identify each article request.
Mediate Date
The date on which the system updated the request status to "IN MEDIATION".
Patron Type
The central patron type of the requesting patron.
Journal/Article Title
The title of the journal in which the requested article was published and the title of the requested article.
The reason that the system updated the request status to "IN MEDIATION".

Display of All ArticleReach Requests

Availability of Completed Requests for Staff Viewing

Once requests reach a completed state (that is, their status is "FILLED", "CANCELLED", or "TO ILL"), library staff can view these requests for a set number of days only. After the specified number of days, the requests are no longer available for viewing using the View Requests function. To change the number of days you can view completed requests, ask your Central System Administrator to contact Innovative. Note that statistical data on the completed requests can be retained for a longer period of time, depending on your site's configuration. For more information, see Retaining ArticleReach Statistical Data.

When you choose View Requests from the Function list, you can search for a request based on either patron information or request ID. The system displays the request (or requests) your search returns.

This column enables you to select rows in the request table. To select all rows in the table, click on the column header.
The row number.
Request ID
The number that uniquely identifies the request.
Journal/Article Title
The title of the journal in which the requested article was published, and the title of the requested article.
Date Requested
The date on which the patron submitted the request.
The current status of the request.