Searching for an ArticleReach Request of Any Status

To search for an ArticleReach request of any status, including requests that have reached a complete state:

  1. View the brief record of the request.
  2. Choose your search criteria from the drop-down list:
    • To view requests belonging to your site's patrons, choose Patron Name, Patron Barcode, or Patron Email.
    • To view any article request, including those made by patrons belonging to other sites, choose the Request ID criteria.
  3. Enter the appropriate search data in the text box.
  4. Choose the Search button. The following outcomes can occur:

    Search ResultOutcome
    Successful search - definitive matchIf the system can identify a definitive match for your criteria (for example, a single request based on Request ID):
    • The system displays a brief record of the request in the lower pane of the screen. Your search on patron-related criteria can return multiple requests belonging to a single patron.
    • If the requesting patron belongs to your site, the system displays patron data in the Name, Email, and Barcode fields in the top right pane.
    Successful search - multiple potential matchesIf the patron data you searched on matches more than one patron record, the system displays the message, Multiple patrons found, and a drop-down list of the search results. In response to this message:
    1. Choose the correct patron from the drop-down list.
    2. Choose the OK button.
    Unsuccessful searchIf a search is unsuccessful, the system displays the message, <Search Criteria> not found. To clear this message, choose the OK button.

    A search can be unsuccessful if:
    • The search data entered in the text box does not match an entry in the database (for example, the Request ID value does not exist).
    • The search data entered in the text box relates to a patron who has not placed any article requests.
    • You are using patron-related criteria to search for a request that belongs to another site's patron.
Additional Functions When Viewing the Article Request

When viewing a brief record of an article request, you can:

  • View additional request details.
  • Cancel a request.
  • Choose the Clear button to clear the current search criteria and results without exiting the current screen.
  • Choose the Print button to print the brief request displays for all requests currently shown.
See also:
Possible Messages (ArticleReach)