Viewing ArticleReach Request Details

Whenever you view ArticleReach requests, you can view additional details of those requests as follows:

Viewing Mediated Request Details

To view mediated request details, follow the steps to edit a mediated request. The system displays request details in the Edit Mediated Request dialog.

Viewing Details for Requests of Any Other Status

To view details of an ArticleReach request with any status but mediated:

  1. View the brief record of the request.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • Double-click on the row of the request you want to view.
    • Select the request, right-click, and choose the Request Details option.
    The system displays the Request Details dialog. For a description of the fields in this dialog, see Display of ArticleReach Request Details.

If you selected multiple requests to view in detail, the details for the requests display in consecutive order in a single Request Details dialog.

To print the Request Details dialog, choose the Print button or choose File | Print.

To close the Request Details dialog, choose the Close button or choose File | Close.