Editing a Mediated ArticleReach Request

Prior to editing a mediated request, it can be useful to submit the request to verify that conditions have not changed since ArticleReach originally evaluated the request. For example, you might want to submit the request if you are aware that an ArticleReach site has contributed an additional number of journals recently, or if you have verified that the requesting patron's record now contains an email address.

To edit a mediated ArticleReach request:

  1. View the request.
  2. Open the Edit Mediated Request dialog in one of the following ways:
    • Select the request you want to edit, and choose the Edit button
    • Double-click the request you want to edit.
    The system displays the Edit Mediated Request dialog. For a description of the fields in this dialog, see Display of ArticleReach Request Details.
  3. Modify data in any field with a white background. For example, the Patron Email field only can be modified if the request is in mediation because of the absence of that data in the patron record.

    A request must have either an ISSN, EISSN, or Central Bib No value to page. A supplying site can also require a Year value in order for a request to paged at that site.

  4. Continue as appropriate:
    • If you want to save the modified data and submit the request for re-evaluation, choose the Submit button. For more information, see Submitting a Mediated Request for Re-evaluation.
    • If you want to save the modified data without submitting the request for re-evaluation, choose the Save button.
    • If you want to close the Edit Mediated Request dialog, choose the Close button. If you modified the request but did not save the data before closing the dialog, the system displays the following message:

      There is unsaved data. Do you want to save it?

      In response to this prompt, choose the Yes button if you want to save the modified data to the ArticleReach database, or choose the No button if you do not want to save the modifications you made.
    The system returns you to the Mediate Requests screen.
Additional Functionality in the Edit Mediated Request Dialog

In the Edit Mediated Request dialog, you can also perform the following functions:

  • Submit the request for re-evaluation.
  • Override the usage threshold for a request.
  • Forward the request to your ILL department.
  • Cancel the request.
  • Print request details by choosing the Print button.
See also:
Mediating an ArticleReach Request
Possible Messages (ArticleReach)