Submitting a Mediated Request for Re-evaluation
When you submit a mediated request for re-evaluation, ArticleReach evaluates the request as if it were new. It determines whether a patron email address is present in the ArticleReach database, re-analyzes the holdings in the ArticleReach Catalog to identify potential lenders, and, if no other condition prevents paging, pages the request at the first potential lender. If the system identifies a condition that prevents paging during the re-evaluation, the request remains in mediation.
To submit a mediated request for re-evaluation:
- View the mediated request.
- Select the request(s) from the table of mediated requests, or edit a specific request.
- Choose the Submit icon. This icon is present both when viewing the table of mediated requests and in the Edit Mediated Request dialog.
The system re-evaluates the request, and one of the following occurs:
- If the re-evaluation causes the request to change status (for example, to "PAGED"), the request disappears from the table of mediated requests. If you submitted the request from the Edit Mediated Request dialog, the dialog closes automatically and returns you to the table of mediated requests.
- If the re-evaluation causes the request status to remain "IN MEDIATION", the request continues to display in the table of mediated requests. If you submitted the request from the Edit Mediated Request dialog, the dialog remains open and the Mediation Reason field displays in red.
- See also:
- Mediating an ArticleReach Request