Mediating an ArticleReach Request

The ArticleReach Mediation feature enables you to intervene in your patron's ArticleReach requests if those requests are unpageable or unfillable, or exceed usage thresholds at your site. If your site wants to enable this feature, ask your Central System Administrator to contact Innovative.

The Mediate Requests function enables you to modify ArticleReach requests submitted by your site's patrons if the status of those requests is"IN MEDIATION".

To mediate a request:

  1. View the mediated request.
  2. Modify the request record as appropriate to the Mediation Reason:
If the Mediation Reason Is: Perform the Following Action(s):
No holdings found in the central database for bib record matching this ISSN
No ISSN match in the central database
No ISSN was specified for this request
The system identified the request as unpageable. Continue as follows:
  1. Edit the data in the bibliographic and/or holdings fields.
  2. Submit the request for re-evaluation.
Request could not be supplied by any participating library The system identified the request as unfillable. You can do one of the following:
  • Submit the request for re-evaluation. Note that if the request is in mediation because it could not be filled, submitting the request can cause it to page at supplying sites that have previously had the opportunity to, but did not fill the request.
  • Fill the request using ArticleReach e-Delivery Integration.
  • Forward the request to the ILL department.
  • Cancel the request.
No patron email address provided At the time the request was submitted, there was no email address in the patron record. Continue as follows:
  1. Edit the Patron Email field.
  2. Submit the request for re-evaluation.
The system writes the patron email address you enter to the request record in the ArticleReach database. This email address is retained for this request only. Each additional INN-Reach request continues to require mediation (and editing of the email address value) until an email address is present in the patron record.

Innovative recommends that your site block ArticleReach requesting by patrons who do not have email addresses in their patron records. For more information, see Modifying ArticleReach Requesting.

Exceeds usage threshold: # request(s) have been made in the last # year(s) for articles appearing in this publication within the last # year(s) The system has identified the request as exceeding the first action threshold for the publication. You can do one of the following:
Additional Functionality in Mediation

When mediating requests, you can also refresh the display of requests, or print the table of requests by choosing the Print icon.

See also:
Cancelling a Mediated ArticleReach Request
Editing a Mediated ArticleReach Request
Forwarding a Mediated Request to the ILL Department
Overriding an ArticleReach Usage Threshold
Submitting a Mediated ArticleReach Request for Re-evaluation