Using ArticleReach

If your library has acquired ArticleReach, your patrons can request copies of journal articles, in both print and electronic form, through a union catalog on a central server. The system collects data from all article requests generated by sites participating in your ArticleReach system in a single database on the central server.

Your library can use ArticleReach to do the following:

ArticleReach and INN-Reach

ArticleReach can be integrated with an INN-Reach System, enabling your patrons to request both articles and circulating items via a single union catalog. For more information on the INN-Reach product, see Using INN-Reach.

See also:
Setting Up ArticleReach
Connecting to the ArticleReach Central Server
Overview of the ArticleReach Requesting Process
Requesting an ArticleReach Item in WebPAC
Printing ArticleReach Paging Slips
Editing the Staff Note in a Paged ArticleReach Request
Processing a Paged ArticleReach Request
Passing a Paged ArticleReach Request
Filling a Request Using ArticleReach e-Delivery Integration
Mediating an ArticleReach Request
Forwarding an ArticleReach Request to the ILL Department
Checking In an ArticleReach Item
Cancelling an ArticleReach Request
Viewing an ArticleReach Request
Viewing an ArticleReach Request in WebPAC
Refreshing the Display of Paged ArticleReach Requests
Viewing ArticleReach Statistics
Maintaining ArticleReach
ArticleReach Status Values
Possible Messages (ArticleReach)