Connecting to the ArticleReach Central Server

When you choose an ArticleReach function, your local system attempts to establish a connection to the ArticleReach database on the ArticleReach Central Server. During this time, the system displays a dialog box to indicate that it is contacting the ArticleReach Central Server.

The dialog box contains a message describing the data the system is attempting to retrieve from the ArticleReach database. This message is appropriate to the ArticleReach function. For example, when you choose Process Paged Requests, the following message displays:

Updating paged requests list...

If ArticleReach is unable to establish a connection to the ArticleReach Central Server, the system displays the following message:

Cannot connect to Central Server <ArticleReach Central Server code>

In this case, make sure the correct ArticleReach Central Server option is assigned to your login, and try again later. If the problem persists, contact your Central System Administrator.