Administering ArticleReach Options

Availability of the ArticleReach Menu

The ArticleReach menu displays in the Administration Application only if your site has acquired the ArticleReach product. For information on acquiring ArticleReach, contact Innovative.

If your library has acquired the ArticleReach product, the ArticleReach menu enables you to set options that control:

Connecting Options

To: Central
This option is present if your library participates in ArticleReach requesting on more than one ArticleReach Central Server. The option specifies which ArticleReach Central Server your Local Server contacts to retrieve the paged request information displayed in Print Paged Requests and Process Paged Requests functions. Only those ArticleReach requests submitted through the specified ArticleReach Central Server display in these functions.
This option must be set to a valid ArticleReach Central Server; that is, an ArticleReach Central Server that houses an ArticleReach database to which your site contributes. If the Central option is set to an invalid ArticleReach Central Server, the system displays the following warning:
Cannot connect to Central Server <ArticleReach Central Server code>
If the setting of the Central option is invalid, the system enables users to log into ArticleReach and correct the Central option. When a user corrects the Central option, the user must log out and log in again to connect to the valid ArticleReach Central Server.
As: Supplying Agency
This option is present if your Local Server operates under the ArticleReach Agency function. This option associates an agency with a login; it determines which requests can be edited by the login in ArticleReach. Editing functions in ArticleReach functions are enabled only for:
  • Requests submitted by patrons of the agency specified by this option
  • Requests paged at the agency specified by this option

Paged Requests Options

Refresh paging list every n minutes
Determines how many minutes elapse before the ArticleReach client automatically refreshes the display of paged requests in the Print Paged Requests and Process Paged Requests functions.
This option allows you to specify refresh intervals of 5 minutes or higher. If you specify an interval less than 5 minutes, the system automatically sets the option to 5 minutes and displays a dialog warning that it has reset the value.
By default, this option is not set. If the option is not set, the default refresh interval is 30 minutes.

Checkin Options

Delivery Method
Determines the default delivery method for the login when checking in requests. The value you specify here is used as the default when users enter Checkin Requests function. The possible values are:
  • "Pickup": The patron picks up a hard copy of the article at your site.
  • "Delivery": Your site delivers a hard copy of the article to the patron via mail or campus mail.
  • "Email": Your site delivers an electronic version of the article to the patron via email.
  • "Electronic": Your site posts the article to a URL that the patron can access to retrieve it.
  • "Other": Your site delivers the article to the patron by a method not described by the above methods.
Delivery Text
Determines the default text that displays in the Delivery Information text box when users check in an article with an Other delivery method. The Delivery Text text describes more specifically the method of delivery used.
This option can be set only if Delivery Method is set to "Other". However, once the Delivery Text option is set, you can set another method as the default Delivery Method setting. The Delivery Text setting is retained and displays in the Delivery Information text box whenever you choose the "Other" delivery method.
Notify Patron of Article Delivery
Determines the default value of the Notify Patron check box in Checkin Requests function. The possible values are checked and not checked.

Statistics Options

Fiscal Year Start
Determines the start date for your site's fiscal year. This option displays as the default value in the Start Date text box in the Date Range 2 area in Statistics - Borrowing & Lending function.