Viewing an ArticleReach Request in WebPAC

If your library has enabled the View Your Patron Record feature, you can configure WebPAC so that your patrons can view their ArticleReach requests.

In the Patron Record Display Form, patrons can view a list of their ArticleReach requests via the link defined by the ICON_MYARTICLEREACH Web option. You can control the columns of the article request display with the ARTICLEREACH_LABELS Web option.

If your library participates in ArticleReach requesting on more than one ArticleReach Central Server, you must use the ARTICLEREACH_CENTRALS Web option to define a list of ArticleReach Central Servers that the Local Server should poll for requests to display in the ArticleReach request display.

ArticleReach status values display to your patrons in WebPAC in a more generalized form than the status values display to staff in the ArticleReach client. For more information, see ArticleReach Status Values.

Your patrons can also cancel their requests while viewing article requests in the Patron Record Display, if the requests are of a certain status. For more information, see Cancelling ArticleReach Requests in WebPAC.

Availability of Completed Requests for Patron Viewing

Patrons can view completed requests for a set number of days from the time requests reach a completed state (that is, their status is "FILLED", "CANCELLED", or "SUBMITTED" FOR "INTERLIBRARY LOAN"). When requests have been in a completed state beyond the set number of days, the requests are no longer available for viewing in the Patron Record Display.

The number of days completed requests are available for patron viewing is configured during product set-up. If you want to change this setting, ask your Central System Administrator to contact Innovative.