Setting up ArticleReach

The following steps must be completed in the order listed before you can use the ArticleReach product:

Task Performed By
Determine the ArticleReach Profile for the ArticleReach System Central System Administrator
Determine the ArticleReach Profile for Each Participating Site Central System Administrator
Coordinate the Opening of Ports Central System Administrator
Open Ports on Local Servers Local Server Coordinators
Install the Product Innovative
Configure the ArticleReach Central Server Central System Administrator
Configure the Local Server Local System Coordinator

Determine the ArticleReach Profile for the ArticleReach System (Central System Administrator)

Your Central System Administrator must provide the following information to Innovative to specify how ArticleReach should be implemented in your ArticleReach System:

  • Are there any MARC-tagged fields (in addition to checkin fields) in the ArticleReach Catalog that the system should check for ArticleReach holdings information to determine whether or not to display a Request Article link in the bibliographic record in WebPAC?
  • Which central P TYPEs can initiate ArticleReach requests? For those central P TYPEs, what is the maximum request limit for each?
  • For what number of days should the system cumulate a patron's new requests to determine if the requests exceed a maximum request limit?
  • Does the ArticleReach System want to enable the Enhanced Phrase Recognition for ArticleReach Holdings feature?
  • Does the ArticleReach System want to enable the ArticleReach ISSN Finder feature?
Paging Requests
  • Does the ArticleReach System want to assign paging priority and paging groups to sites participating in ArticleReach? If so, note that the Central System Administrator must also specify priority and group values for each site, below.
  • Does the ArticleReach System want to automatically forward requests that have been paged too long at a given site? If so, for what maximum length of time can a request remain at a paged location before the system automatically forwards it to the next potential lending site?
  • Does the ArticleReach System want to automatically cancel requests that have not been filled before the Not Needed After Date that the patron specifies in WebPAC?
  • What text does the ArticleReach System want do display in the customizable fields on the ArticleReach paging slips? These fields include the header display name (required), a copyright statement (optional), and a label for the IP Address fields (optional).
Filling Requests
Cancelling/Passing Requests
  • What predefined cancellation reasons does the ArticleReach System want to offer staff when cancelling a request? Your ArticleReach System can specify up to 10 reasons.
  • What predefined pass reasons does the ArticleReach System want to offer staff when passing a request? Your ArticleReach System can specify up to 10 reasons.
  • What email address does the ArticleReach System want to display in the From email header field in patron notification messages? This email address also receives any undeliverable notification messages.
  • What text does the ArticleReach System want to display in the customizable fields in patron notification messages? For each possible message type, the Central System Administrator must specify text for the Subject, Status Description, and Suggested Action fields.
  • In the pickup notification message for requests delivered via a URL, does the ArticleReach System want to include the optional element that specifies the number of days that an article is available for a patron to access?
  • In the pickup notification messages, does the ArticleReach System want to include an optional element that specifies the Local Server through which the patron submitted the request?
  • Has any site in the ArticleReach System acquired the Pass2ILL for ArticleReach product? If so, provide the following information:
    • What values does the ArticleReach System want to use for the From, Reply-To, and Subject email header fields in the Pass2ILL messages?
    • What text does the ArticleReach System want to display as the first element of the RequestSource field in the Pass2ILL message?
Database Maintenance
  • Does the ArticleReach System want to purge statistical and request data from the ArticleReach MySQL database on the ArticleReach Central Server? If so, how long does the ArticleReach System want to retain statistical and request data, if not the default period of 552 days?

Determine the ArticleReach Profile for Each Participating Site (Central System Administrator)

For each site participating in ArticleReach, the Central System Administrator must provide the site code and the following information to Innovative:

  • For the Local Server, do all sites want to disable checking for additional holdings fields in records contributed by the Local Server? (Note that all sites on a Local Server must make the same choice whether or not to disable checking for holdings in these fields.)
  • Which requesting blocks should the system check when verifying the site's patrons?
  • Does the site want to prompt its patrons to specify a preferred delivery method and pickup location when requesting in WebPAC?
Paging Requests
Receiving Documents
For each pickup location at the site, the Central System Administrator must provide the following information:
  • What is the pickup location's display name for WebPAC and ArticleReach displays?
  • What is the pickup location's print name for paging slips?
  • What are the methods by which the pickup location can receive articles? For example, can the pickup location receive articles by mail, FAX, or email?
  • What is the related information for each method? For example, for the mail supply method, what is the street address?
  • By which method does the pickup location prefer to receive articles?
  • Does the site want the pickup location to display as an available location in WebPAC?
  • Which field in the patron record contains the patron's email address?
  • What email address should display in the Reply-To field of patron notification messages?
  • Which URL does the site want to display as the delivery URL in patron notification messages?
  • Has the site acquired the Pass2ILL for ArticleReach product? If so, provide the following information:
    • Does the site want Pass2ILL for ArticleReach to directly forward unpageable or unfillable request data to ILL? If so, no additional information is needed to enable Pass2ILL for ArticleReach.
    • Does the site want Pass2ILL for ArticleReach to forward unpageable or unfillable request data via a formatted message to the ILL department? If so, provide Innovative with the email address that should receive Pass2ILL messages and indicate whether the site wants to enable the Interlibrary Loan Integration for ArticleReach feature to store patrons' ILL system logins in patron records.
    • Does the site want staff to be able to forward a mediated request to Pass2ILL for ArticleReach?
  • For how many days can completed and cancelled requests be viewed by the site's patrons in the ArticleReach requests display in WebPAC?
  • For how many days can completed and cancelled requests be viewed by the site's staff using the View Requests function?
  • Does the site want to enable the ERM License Display feature for ArticleReach?
Does the site want to include the names of requesting patrons in exported request details?

Coordinate the Opening of Ports (Central System Administrator)

After completing the ArticleReach Profiles, your Central System Administrator should perform the following steps:

  1. Open port 6621 on the ArticleReach Central Server to incoming and outgoing messages.
  2. Contact the Local Server coordinator(s) for each Local Server in the ArticleReach System and instruct them to open port 6621 on their Local Servers to incoming and outgoing messages.

Open Ports on Local Servers (Local Server Coordinators)

When you are instructed by your Central System Administrator, open port 6621 on your Local Server to incoming and outgoing messages.

Install the Product (Innovative)

Contact Innovative to install ArticleReach. Depending on the size of your ArticleReach System, it could take a few days for Innovative to complete the installation. After the installation is complete, Innovative will notify your Central System Administrator.

Configure the ArticleReach Central Server (Central System Administrator)

After Innovative installs the ArticleReach product, your Central System Administrator should perform the following steps to enable ArticleReach requesting in WebPAC:

  1. Add the following Web options on the ArticleReach Central Server:
  2. Customize the following forms as needed:
  3. Optionally, add the /nonret command link to library catalog pages, such as the Main Menu Page or the OPAC Menu Page. (Note that the Request Article Link automatically displays in the bibliographic record display in WebPAC based on the presence of checkin or other holdings fields.)

Configure the Local Server (Local Server Coordinator)

After the Central Administrator has configured the ArticleReach Central Server, Local Server Coordinators should perform the following steps:

  1. Configure record contribution to meet ArticleReach requirements.
  2. Enable access to the ArticleReach application for the appropriate user logins (and add user logins as needed). The Coordinator must set the ArticleReach options for each login.

    The Local Server Coordinator must create additional logins if:
    • A Local Server operates under the ArticleReach Agency model. The Local Server Coordinator must create an individual login for each participating site on that Local Server. To associate an agency with each login, the Coordinator must set the As: Supplying Agency connection option.
    • A Local Server contributes to more than one ArticleReach Central Server. The Local Server Coordinator must create an additional individual login for each ArticleReach Central Server at which the site participates in ArticleReach requesting. To associate a Central Server with the login, the Local Server Coordinator must set the To: Central connection option.
  3. Enable access to statistical reports by assigning the following permissions, as needed:
    • 703 (ArticleReach Statistics Reports)
    • 704 (ArticleReach Statistics Export)
  4. Enable the display of ArticleReach requests in the View Your Patron Record feature in WebPAC:
    1. Add the <!--{ifirnr}-->, <!--{irnrbtn}-->, and <!--{xif}--> tokens to the Patron Record Display Form.
    2. Add the following Web options: