Exporting ArticleReach Request Details

To export ArticleReach request details, you must be assinged permission 703 (ArticleReach Statistics Reports). See Permissions Used By Sierra for more information.

To export ArticleReach request details:

  1. Choose Request Details from the Function list. The system displays the Statistics Download pane.
  2. Choose one of the Statistics Download radio buttons:

    My LocationExport details of requests that have been placed by your site's patrons.
    All LocationsExport details of all ArticleReach requests.

    To export request details for All Locations, you must be assigned permission 704 (ArticleReach Statistics Export). See Permissions Used By Sierra for more information.

  3. Enter dates in the Start Date and End Date text boxes to define the date range within which you want to export request details. Alternatively, double-click the Start Date or End Date text box to choose the date you want on a calendar.

    When you view the panel at the start of a session, the dates are set to the following defaults:

    Start Date12:00:01 A,M. of the first date on which data is available
    End Date11:59:59 P.M. of the day prior to the day you are running statistics
  4. Choose the EXPORT button. The system checks that the dates you enter are valid. Valid dates are chronologically consistent (that is, the Start Date precedes the End Date).

    Dates Valid?System Action
    YesThe system displays a message that summarizes the contents of the export and prompts you to choose the format of the exported data. For example:

    552 Total My Location ArticleReach entries from 07-01-2006 through 07-31-2006
    Open in Excel
    Save as comma separated values (csv) text
    Save as tabbed text

    Note that the Open in Excel option is not available if the number of requests within the specified date range exceeds Excel's default row capacity.

    NoThe system displays the following message:

    Invalid date range.

    In response to this message:

    1. Choose OK.
    2. Correct the dates in Start Date and End Date boxes.
    3. Choose the EXPORT button to submit the corrected export request.

  5. Choose an export format. The system prompts you to specify a location to save the export file, and to confirm or edit a default filename for the file.
  6. Specify a location to save the file.
  7. Edit the default file name, if appropriate.
  8. Choose the Save button in the dialog. The system saves the exported file. If you retained the default filename, it also opens the file automatically for your review. If you edited the filename, you must manually open the file in the spreadsheet software.
See also:
ArticleReach Request Details
Possible Messages (ArticleReach)