Patron Record Display Form

Command link:     None
HTML document:  patronview_web.html

This form controls the display of the View Your Patron Record display in the WebPAC. If this file exists, the system uses it rather than the default display. This form uses the following tokens:

General Display Tokens
<!--{toplogo}--> The system replaces this token with the <html> and <body> tags that begin an HTML page and displays HTML defined in the TOPLOGO Web option. Inserts a link to the stylesheet defined in the STYLESHEET Web option. If your library uses My Account and the user is logged-in to a My Account session, this token controls where the You are logged in as [patron name] message appears. This must be the first line in the form.
<!--{startover}--> The system replaces this token with either a Start Over button, directing users to the URL specified in the PSTARTOVER Web option or, if the MY_WEBPAC Web option is set to "true," a Logout button for ending the "My Account" session. The BUT_STARTOVER Web option defines the Start Over button image.
<!--{searchtool}--> The system replaces this token with a search tool.
<!--{botlogo}--> The system replaces this token with the value of the BOTLOGO Web option. Does not insert the </body> and </html> tags that finish an HTML page.
Patron Function Button Tokens
<!--{ifbookings}--> If this token is present, the system checks if the patron has outstanding bookings. If so, the system interprets all tokens and markup between this token and its closing <!--{xif}--> token.
<!--{bookingsbtn}--> If patrons can view outstanding bookings online and the patron has outstanding bookings, the system replaces this token with the Future Bookings button. If your organization uses the BUT_PAT_BOOKING Web option, then the value of this option replaces this token.
<!--{xif}--> Closes the <!--{ifbookings}--> block.
<!--{ifchkouts}--> If this token is present, the system checks if the patron has checked out items. If so, the system interprets all tokens and markup between this token and its closing <!--{xif}--> token.
<!--{chkoutsbtn}--> If your organization allows patrons to view checked out items, the system replaces this token with the Checked Out button. If a patron has checked out items and your organization uses the BUT_PAT_CHKOUTS Web option, then the value of this option replaces this token. If the patron does not have items checked out, the system replaces this token with a text link, e.g., 0 Items currently checked out.
<!--{xif}--> Closes the <!--{ifchkouts}--> block.
<!--{ifcirchist}--> If this token is present, the system checks to see if your organization allows retention of patron circulation history and whether your organization allows patrons to view this history. If so, the system interprets all tokens and markup between this token and its closing <!--{xif}--> token.
<!--{circhistbtn}--> If your organization allows retention of patron circulation history and patrons can view their circulation history, the system replaces this token with the value of the ICON_READING_HISTORY Web option.
<!--{xif}--> Closes the <!--{ifcirchist}--> block.
<!--{iffines}--> If this token is present, the system checks to see if the patron has any unpaid fines and bills. If so, the system interprets all tokens and markup between this token and its closing <!--{xif}--> token.
<!--{finesbtn}--> If the patron has unpaid fines or bills, the system replaces this token with the Unpaid Fines button. If a patron has unpaid fines or bills and your organization uses the BUT_PAT_FINES Web option, then the value of this option replaces this token. If the patron does not have unpaid fines or bills, the system replaces this token with a text link, e.g., 0 Fines or bills due.
<!--{xif}--> Closes the <!--{iffines}--> block.
<!--{ifholds}--> If this token is present, the system checks if the patron has any outstanding holds. If so, the system interprets all tokens and markup between this token and its closing <!--{xif}--> token.
<!--{holdsbtn}--> If patrons can view outstanding holds online, the system replaces this token with the Requests button. If a patron has holds and your organization uses the BUT_PAT_HOLDS Web option, then the value of this option replaces this token. If the patron does not have holds, the system replaces this token with a text link, e.g., 0 Items currently on hold.
<!--{xif}--> Closes the <!--{ifholds}--> block.
<!--{ifill}--> If this token is present, the system checks if the patron has any outstanding interlibrary loan requests. If so, the system interprets all tokens and markup between this token and its closing <!--{xif}--> token.
<!--{illbtn}--> If patrons can view outstanding interlibrary loan requests online, and patrons have outstanding interlibrary loan requests, the system replaces this token with the ILL button. If your organization uses the BUT_PAT_ILL Web option, then the value of this option replaces this token.
<!--{xif}--> Closes the <!--{ifill}--> block.
<!--{ifirnr}--> If this token is present, the system checks to see if the patron has any ArticleReach requests to display. If so, the system interprets all tokens and markup between this token and its closing <!--{xif}--> token.
<!--{irnrbtn}--> The system replaces this token with a display of the patron's ArticleReach requests as defined in the ARTICLEREACH_LABELS Web option.
<!--{xif}--> Closes the <!--{ifirnr}--> block.
<!--{ifmffav}--> If this token is present, the system checks if the patron has any groups specified for My Favorite Databases and the MFFAVS_URL Web option is set. If so, the system interprets all tokens and markup between this token and its closing <!--{xif}--> token.
<!--{mffavbtn}--> The system replaces this token with the ICON_PAT_MFFAVS Web option.
<!--{xif}--> Closes the <!--{ifmffav}--> block.
<!--{ifmodifypatinfo}--> If this token is present, the system checks to see if your organization allows patrons to modify personal information online. If so, the system interprets all tokens and markup between this token and its closing <!--{xif}--> token.
<!--{modifypatinfobtn}--> If patrons can modify their personal information online, the system replaces this token with the Modify Personal Information button. When a user clicks the Modify Personal Information button, the WebPAC loads the modpinfo.html customizable Web form. If your organization uses the BUT_PAT_INFO Web option, then the value of this option replaces this token.
<!--{xif}--> Closes the <!--{ifmodifypatinfo}--> block.
<!--{ifmodifypin}--> If this token is present, the system checks the patron record to verify whether a pin is required for patron verification. If your library requires a PIN for patron verification and the patron record has a PIN, the system displays the HTML and tokens between this token and its closing <!--{xif}--> token.
<!--{modifypinbtn}--> The system replaces this token with the Modify your PIN button. When a user clicks the Modify your PIN button, the WebPAC loads the newpin.html customizable Web form. If your organization uses the BUT_PAT_PIN Web option, then the value of that option replaces this token.
<!--{xif}--> Closes the <!--{ifmodifypin}--> block.
<!--{ifmylists}--> If the MY_LISTS Web option is set to a true value, interpret the tokens between this token and its closing <!--{xif}--> token.
<!--{mylists}--> The system replaces this token with the value of the ICON_MYLISTS Web option.
<!--{xif}--> Closes the <!--{ifmylists}--> logic.
<!--{ifmymil}--> Checks to see if your organization offers My Account searching.
<!--{searchbtn}--> If your organization offers My Account searching, the system replaces this token with the Search the Catalog button. If your organization uses the BUT_PAT_SEARCH Web option, then the value of this option replaces this token.
<!--{xif}--> Closes the <!--{ifmymil}--> block.
<!--{ifpatrate}--> If this token is present, the system checks if the patron has rated any materials. If so, the system interprets all tokens and markup between this token and its closing <!--{xif}--> token.
<!--{patratebtn}--> The system replaces this token with the ICON_PATRATE Web option.
<!--{xif}--> Closes the <!--{ifpatrate}--> block.
<!--{ifpatreview}--> If this token is present, the system checks if your library has acquired and configured the Patron Reviews product. If so, the system interprets all tokens and markup between this token and its closing <!--{xif}--> token.
<!--{patreviewbtn}--> If your library has acquired and configured the Patron Reviews product, the system replaces this token with the value of the ICON_PATREVIEW Web option.
<!--{xif}--> Closes the <!--{ifpatreview}--> logic.
<!--{ifprograms}--> If this token is present, the system checks if Program Registration is in use. If so, the system interprets all tokens and markup between this token and its closing <!--{xif}--> token.
<!--{programsbtn}--> The system replaces this token with a My Programs link defined by the ICON_BUT_PAT_PROGRAMS Web option.
<!--{xif}--> Closes the <!--{ifprograms}--> block.
<!--{ifpsearch}--> If this token is present, the system checks if the patron has preferred searches. If the patron has preferred searches, the system interprets all tokens and markup between this token and its closing <!--{xif}--> token.
<!--{psearchbtn}--> If your organization allows patrons to save preferred searches and the patron has preferred searches, the system replaces this token with the Preferred Searches button. If your organization uses the BUT_PAT_GETPSAVEDRECS Web option, then the value of this option replaces this token.
<!--{xif}--> Closes the <!--{ifpsearch}--> block.
<!--{patfeeds}--> The system replaces this token with the ICON_PATFEED Web option.
Patron Information Display Tokens
<!--{patroninfo}--> The system replaces this token with the patron information defined in the PATRON_FIELDS Web option.
<!--{expmsg}--> The sysetm replaces this token with the expiration alert message from the second element of the EXP_MSG Web option. The system only displays the alert message if the current date falls within the alert period defined by the first element of the EXP_MSG Web option; otherwise, the system displays nothing.
<!--{ifpatimage}--> If this token is present, the system checks to see if your organization offers patron images. If so, the system interprets all tokens and markup between this token and its closing <!--{xif}--> token.
<!--{patimage}--> If your organization offers patron images, the system replaces this token with the image from the patron record.
<!--{ifmsgs}--> If this token is present, the system checks to see if the PATRON_MSG Web option is set and if there are any messages from your organization to the patron. If so, the system interprets all tokens and markup between this token and its closing <!--{xif}--> token.
<!--{msgsbtn}--> If there are messages from your organization to the patron and the PATRON_MSG Web option is set, the system replaces this token with the Show Messages button. If your organization uses the BUT_PAT_MSGS Web option, then the value of this option replaces this token.
<!--{xif}--> Closes the <!--{ifmsgs}--> block.
<!--{ifprogreg}--> If this token is present and your library has the Program Registration product, the system interprets the tokens between this token and its closing <!--{xif}--> token.
<!--{progregcal}--> The system replaces this token with the value of the ICON_PROGRAM_CAL Web option.
<!--{xif}--> Closes the <!--{ifprogreg}--> logic.
Patron Function Tables and Forms Tokens
<!--{patfunc}--> The system replaces this token with the appropriate patron function table and associated buttons when a patron function button is chosen on the top portion of the screen.

You can create separate custom forms for each combination of language, scope, and patron type by using the following naming convention:


LANG The language code (spi for Spanish, frc for French, etc.).
s# The number of the scope (s1, s2, s3, etc.).
p# The patron type or PTYPE (p0, p243, etc.).

For a current example of this form, see the appropriate example set in WebPAC Example Sets and Photoshop Files on CSDirect.