Viewing My Favorite Databases

Organizations with the Research Pro product can offer My Account users the option to save database searches.

Saving Database Groups

To save searched categories and resources:

  1. Click the Save Group icon.
  2. If you are not already logged-in, validate to start a My Account session.
  3. At the prompt, name the search group.

    You can customize this screen by editing the My Favorite Databases Group Names form (mffavs.html).

  4. To save the group, click Submit. To cancel and return to the search page, click Cancel.

The system displays a confirmation message for successfully-saved groups. You can customize this message by editing the My Favorite Databases Group Names form (mffavs.html).

Viewing Saved Database Groups

When you are logged in to My Account, you can access your saved groups by clicking the My Research Pro icon defined by the ICON_PAT_MFFAVS Web option. Clicking this link takes you to the My Favorite Database Groups page. For example:

This page displays all database groups the patron has saved. From this screen, you can:

See also:
My Favorite Databases Patron Verification Form (pverify_mffavs.html)
My Favorite Databases Group Names Form (mffavs.html)
My Federated Search Options
Using Research Pro