ArticleReach Options

This page describes the Web options for the ArticleReach options group. Review these options to determine any necessary setup that your organization might need to perform.

These options control ArticleReach functionality in the WebPAC. For more information, see Using ArticleReach.


At Local Servers that participate in ArticleReach requesting on more than one Central Server, this option defines a list of Central Servers that the Local Server should poll for requests to display in the View Your Patron Record feature. The option consists of a vertical bar-delimited list and is set as follows:

ARTICLEREACH_CENTRALS=[host name or IP address]|[host name or IP address]

An optional port (with a preceding colon) can be specified for each Central Server value. For example:


This option should be set on the Local Server.


This option defines which data columns display in the patron's ArticleReach request history display in the View Your Patron Record feature.

The option consists of vertical bar-delimited elements and is set as follows:


When the option is set according to the above example, the column labels display as:

Request Id|Journal / Article Title|Pickup Location/Delivery Information|Status

The possible option elements are:

Element Label Description of Data
1 Request Id The unique number used by the system to identify each article request.
2 Journal / Article Title The titles of the requested article and the serial in which it was published.
3 Author The author of the requested article.
4 ISSN The serial's ISSN.
5 E-ISSN The serial's EISSN.
6 Volume The volume in which the requested article was published.
7 Issue The issue in which the requested article was published.
8 Number The number of the issue in which the requested article was published.
9 Quarter The quarter in which the requested article was published.
10 Season The season in which the requested article was published.
11 Pages The starting and ending pages of the requested article.
12 Date of Issue The year, month, and day on which the article was published.
13 Citation Source The text entered by the patron in the sid field in the ArticleReach Request Form.
14 Pickup Location/Delivery Information This field can have the following values, depending on the status of the request:
  • If the request status is "REQUESTED" or "IN TRANSIT", this field displays a blank value.
  • If the request status is "FILLED":
    • For an article checked in with a Pickup, Delivery, or Email delivery method, this field displays the location at which the patron can pick up the article.
    • For an article checked in with a URL delivery method, this field displays a "Click to view Article" link. The hyperlink value of the "Click to view Article" link is the URL entered by library staff during checkin.
    • For an article checked in with an Other delivery method, this field displays the delivery information text entered by library staff during check in.
  • If the request status is "SUBMITTED FOR INTERLIBRARY LOAN", this field displays the reason that the system identified the request for management by the Pass2ILL for ArticleReach product.
  • If the request status is "CANCELLED", this field displays the reason the request was cancelled. The possible values are:
    • An automatically generated reason (if the system cancelled the request).
    • A reason manually entered by a staff member (if the staff member cancelled the request).
    • The value "Cancelled by patron" (if the patron cancelled the request in the View Your Patron Record feature in the WebPAC).
15 Status The request status. The possible values of this field include: "REQUESTED", "IN TRANSIT", "FILLED", "CANCELLED", and "SUBMITTED FOR INTERLIBRARY LOAN".
16 Mediation Reason The reason the system updated the request status to "IN MEDIATION". Note that the Status field displays a "REQUESTED" value for a request that has an "IN MEDIATION" status.
17 Staff Notes The text entered by library staff in the Staff Note field when processing paged requests or editing mediated requests.
18 Note The text that the patron entered in the Note field in the ArticleReach Request Form.
19 Cancel if Not Filled By The date after which the requesting patron no longer needs the article request. This field displays the date that the patron entered in the NNAfterDate field in the ArticleReach Request Form.

Note that the Mark to Cancel column label cannot be specified, and the column cannot be suppressed.

If this option is not defined, the default columns display as if the option were set as follows: 1|2|14|15.

This option should be set on the Local Server.


This option defines the display properties of the "Request Article" link on the bibliographic record display. Clicking this link displays the request verification form. The value of this option is HTML, either defining the text or an image to use as the link. For example:



ICON_ARTICLEREACH=<img src="/screens/request_article.gif" alt="Request Article" border="0" />

If this option is not defined, the text label "Request Article" displays.

This option can vary by patron type (P TYPE), scope, and language.

This option should be set on the ArticleReach Central Server.


This option defines the display properties of the "Article Requests" link on the patron record display. Clicking this link displays the patron's available ArticleReach request history. The value of this option is HTML, either defining the text or an image to use as the link. For example:



ICON_MYARTICLEREACH=<img src="/screens/article_requests.gif" alt="Article Requests" border="0" />

If this option is not defined, the text label "Article Requests" displays.

This option can vary by patron type (P TYPE) and language.

This option should be set on the Local Server.


This option defines the display properties of the "Request Article" link on the ArticleReach Request Form. Clicking on this link submits the form. The value of this option is HTML, either defining the text or an image to use as the link. For example:



ICON_REQUESTARTICLE=<img src="/screens/article_requests.gif" alt="Request Article" border="0" />

If this option is not defined, the text label "Request Article" displays.

This option can vary by scope and language.

This option should be set on the ArticleReach Central Server.