Checking In an ArticleReach Item

When your library receives an article from a supplying site, you must perform a checkin to confirm receipt of the item and update the request status in the ArticleReach database on the ArticleReach Central Server.

To check in an article:

  1. Select the related request.
  2. Choose a delivery method.
  3. Choose whether or not to notify the patron.
  4. Submit the article for checkin.
  5. Specify a delivery URL (URL delivery method only).
  6. Specify a unique delivery method (Other delivery method only).

If you are checking in multiple requests with the same delivery method and patron notification settings, use the ArticleReach Rapid Checkin feature to check in requests with fewer steps.

The system responds as follows:

Additional Functions in the Checkin Requests Screen

When viewing the Checkin Requests screen, you can also:

  • Print the table of requests by choosing the Print button.
  • Refresh the display of requests.
  • View additional request details.

Selecting the Related Request

To select the request related to the item you received:

  1. Choose Checkin Requests from the Function list. The system displays the Checkin Requests display. This display is composed of the Checkin pane, the Delivery Methods pane, and in the lower half of the screen, a table of requests that belong to your patrons and have an "IN TRANSIT" status.
  2. Select the request from the table of requests. When you select the request from the table, the request ID automatically displays in the Request ID text box.

Entering a request ID in the Request ID box does not enable you to select a request; instead, it immediately checks in the item.

If you want to clear the Request ID text box or deselect a request in the brief display table, choose the Clear button.

Choosing a Delivery Method

In the Delivery Methods pane, choose the radio button corresponding to the method you are using to deliver the article to the patron, as follows:

Delivery Method Description
Pickup The patron picks up the hard copy of the article at your site.
Delivery You deliver a hard copy of the article to the patron via mail or campus mail.
Email You deliver an electronic version of the article to the patron via email.
URL You post the article to a URL that the patron can access.
Other You deliver the article to the patron by a method not described by the above methods.

Default delivery method settings can be set by login using the ArticleReach tab. These settings include a default value for the Delivery Text associated with the Other delivery method. The defaults associated with your login are automatically selected when you first choose the Checkin Requests function. If you modify the delivery method settings during a session, you can return them to the default values by choosing the Defaults button.

Choosing Whether or Not to Notify the Patron

In the Delivery Method pane, check the Notify Patron check box to send an email message notifying the patron that the article is available. The system does not send an email notification to the patron unless this box is checked.

A patron notification default value can be set by login using the ArticleReach tab. The default associated with your login is automatically selected when you first choose the Checkin Requests function. If you modify the setting during a session, you can return it to the default value by choosing the Defaults button.

Submitting the Article for Checkin

Choose the Checkin button.

Specifying a Delivery URL (URL Delivery Method Only)

If you chose the URL button in the Delivery Methods pane, the system prompts you to enter the URL at which the patron can access the article. This URL:

The URL can also display as the delivery URL (a clickable link) in the email notification message to the patron, depending on the configuration of ArticleReach notification messages at your site.

In response to the system prompt:

  1. Enter the URL, including a correct prefix (for example, http:// or ftp://). The URL you enter must include a correct prefix, or the URL does not operate as a valid hyperlink in either WebPAC or the email notification message.
  2. Choose the Process button. The system checks whether the URL you entered includes a correct prefix and proceeds as appropriate:
    • If the URL includes a correct prefix, the system checks in the article and returns you to the Checkin Requests screen.
    • If the URL does not include a correct prefix, the system displays a dialog that prompts you to confirm or modify the URL. In response to this prompt:
      1. Modify the URL if appropriate.
      2. Choose OK. The system checks in the article and returns you to the Checkin Requests screen. Note that the system does not check the modified URL for the correct prefix. The system considers the modified URL to be final.

If you want to cancel the checkin and return to the Checkin Requests screen, choose Cancel in the dialog. When you choose Cancel, the system displays the following message in the status bar: Request ID #: Checkin cancelled.

Specifying a Unique Delivery Method (Other Delivery Method Only)

If you chose the Other button in the Delivery Methods pane, the system prompts you to enter "delivery information", that is, a description of the delivery method used. If your site has set default Delivery Text, the default text automatically displays in the Delivery Information text box.

In response to the system prompt:

  1. Enter the delivery information, or edit default Delivery Text, if necessary.
  2. Choose the Process button.

The delivery information you enter displays as follows:

The delivery information you enter does not display in the email notification message sent to the patron.

If you want to cancel the checkin and return to the Checkin Requests screen, choose Cancel. The system displays the following message in the status bar: Request ID #: Checkin cancelled.

See also:
Possible Messages (ArticleReach)